166 Essex Well-Sections. Tilbury Fort.—(Old Well). 'Gentleman's Magazine,' vol. lxviii., p. 565 (1798). Dug 48 feet; the rest bored. Dry earth [made ground ?] , thin. Clayey beds, with leaves and branches of trees, about 48 ft. Quicksand. Stiff marl, ? 30 ft. Chalk-stones found at a depth of about 80 ft. Tilbury Fort.—(Newer Well). 1849. Communicated by Col. B. M. Grain, E.E. With further information from Lieut.-Col. Brine, R.E. Shaft and cylinders, 31 feet; the rest bored. Water, March 22nd, 1849, good; April 19th, impure; May 25th, good; since become quite unfit for domestic purposes (although pipes were carried to a depth of 490 feet).