Essex Well-Sections. 167 Upminster.—Rectory. Dr. J. Mitchell's MSS., vol. iii., p. 75. Dug 90 feet; the rest bored. Sand, gravel, and brick-earth .................. 30 Blue [London] clay, ending in brown sand and black pebbles [basement-bed ?] ...... 150 Vange.—Brickyard. (Mr. T. L. Curtis). 1884. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. Legrand & Sutcliff. Shaft 100 feet; the rest bored. This boring is of interest as showing what seems to be a fairly thick development of the Oldhaven Beds some way from their outcrop. In this series and in the beds below, the sands (which would have been expected to yield water) were blowing sands, and to pass through them the pipes had to be kept full of water. Walthamstow.— Clay Street. (Mr. Robertson's). Dr. J. Mitchell's MSS., vol. iii., p. 83. Dug 90 feet; bored 100. To chalk (190 feet).