218 Notes on the Evidence hearing Monster, and those of Durham, Lancashire, and Cheshire, together with the inhabitants of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, some counties on the borders of S. Wales and on the north bank of the Thames, and part of Lanark- shire. The lightest people appear to be those of Leinster, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Shropshire, and Surrey. In the third map the distribution of adult males with light hair and eyes is shown. They are placed in five divisions. In districts coloured as No. 1, a proportion of more than 50 per cent, of fair people has been found, while—passing over intermediate subdivisions—in No. 5 the average number of fair people is only from 30 to 35 per cent. The results are very singular. In Ireland, Leinster and Connaught are placed in No. 1 ; Ulster in No. 2 ; and Minister in No. 3. In Scotland the counties included in No. 1 are a part of Lanark and Dumbarton, Kincardine and Forfar, Berwick- shire and the Lothians. In England the three counties with the highest average of fair people (No. 1) are Northum- berland, Durham, and Gloucestershire. In No. 2 are York- shire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Stafford, and Surrey. No. 3 includes Cumberland and Westmoreland, Wales, and the southern counties, Oxford, Buckingham, North- ampton, Cambridge, Huntingdon, and Norfolk. No districts in Ireland or Scotland are included in No. 4, but in England we have Lincolnshire, Warwick, Worcester, and Berkshire; while the counties with the fewest fair people (No. 5) appear to be Leicester, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, and Middlesex. Next comes a map showing the distribution of adult males with dark eyes and hair. The first division, No. 1, includes the districts having less than 20 per cent, of dark-eyed and dark-haired people, while the last, No. 5, indicates those with more than 35 per cent. We learn that the districts with the fewest dark people (No. 1) are Connaught in Ireland ; Kincardine, Forfar, the Lothians, Berwick, Box- burgh, Selkirk, Peebles, and Dumfries, in Scotland; and Derbyshire in England. In Ireland Leinster contains the largest number of dark people (No. 4), and in Scotland the