Contents. PAGE XI.—Notes on the Geological Position of the Human Skeleton lately found at the Tilbury Docks, Essex. By T. V. Holmes, F.G.S., M.A.I........135 XII.—Some Essex Well-Sections. By W. Whitaker, B.A., F.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C.E.........149 XIII.—The Life and Work of John Ray, and their relation to the Progress of Science. By Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.S.........171 XIV.—Notes on the Evidence bearing upon British Ethnology. By T. V. Holmes, F.G.S., M.A.I......189 Errata. Page 88, Fig. 1. The shaft in this drawing is somewhat too large, the apex of the heap of debris is not under centre of shaft, and the lateral chambers are shown as being rather too near the shaft. Page 90, line 2. For "marked,"read "mark." Page 96, lines 2, 6, and 13. For "Witchling," read "Wichling." [Notice to Readers and Librarians.—It should be noted that the first three volumes of the 'Transactions' included also the 'Proceedings,' which formed an integral part of each volume, but with a distinct pagination. In Volume IV. a different plan was adopted; the 'Trans- actions' and 'Proceedings' were issued separately, and form distinct volumes. The first series consists therefore of five volumes in all, viz., 'Transactions,' Vols. I.—IV. (the first three including 'Proceedings'), and 'Proceedings,' Vol. IV. The new series under the title of 'The Essex Naturalist' commences in January, 1887.—Ed.]