JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS AT ORDINARY, FIELD, AND OTHER MEETINGS. [In commencing our Journal of Proceedings it may be well to give a brief statement of the origin of the Club. The first public proposal in connection with the subject was made in a letter addressed to the Editor of the Woodford Times by Mr. William Cole, which appeared in the issue for Saturday, October 25th, 1879. This letter was followed by others from Messrs. Harcourt, Lockyer, Argent and Cole addressed to various local newspapers, all strongly urging the establishment of a Naturalists' Club in Essex. A circular was issued by Mr. Cole, headed "Epping Forest and South Essex Naturalists' Field Club," and freely distributed, asking for the support of all South Essex naturalists and archaeologists. Sufficient names having been received to warrant the step, a private meeting was held at Buckhurst Hill on Saturday, November 15th, 1879, to settle preliminaries. Mr. Cole was nominated as Hon. Secretary pro tem., and was authorised to call a public meeting for the establishment of the Society, and to make all necessary arrange- ments. It was felt that it would be better to have a more comprehensive title than that above quoted, and the one now held by the Club was chosen. Mr. R. Meldola consented to become the first President, and ultimately the inaugural meeting was called by advertisements in the newspapers and the issue of a very large number of circulars, which were sent to the leading inhabitants in all parts of the county. The Editor places the circular letter on record here ; it may be interesting in the future as expressing the views of the founders of the Club :— Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club. Laurel Cottage, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. Dear Sir,—I am requested to state that the inaugural meeting of this Club will be held on Saturday evening, January 10th, 1880, at the rooms of the Buckhurst Hill Art Classes, 3, St. John's Terrace (opposite the church). The chair will be taken at seven o'clock by R. Meldola, Esq., F.C.S., &c, Secretary to the Entomological Society of London. The objects of the Club, as set forth in the proposed Rules, are as follows:—"The investigation of the natural history, geology, and archaeology of the County of Essex (special attention being given to the fauna, flora, geology, and antiquities of Epping Forest) ; the publication of the results of such investigations ; the formation of a library of works of local interest and other publications, and the