xviii Journal of Proceedings. both peculiar to large Beech woods. The pond-hunters were busy with rod and bottle fishing up examples of aquatic life from pools and streams. We have no reports of the catches in some cases, but Dr. Cooke has furnished us with the following list of species he met with during the afternoon :— ALGAE. DESMIDS. Zygnema cruciatum (Ag.) Hyalotheca dissiliens Zygnema stagnalis Closterium Dianae Spirogyra tenuissima (not Closterium Leibleinii common) Closterium rostratum Spirogyra turpis Closterium gracile (rare) Cladophora fracta Spirotaenia condensata diatoms. Cosmarium cucumis Cocconema lanceolatum Cosmarium botrytis Epithemia turgida Staurastrum muricatum Pinnularia viridis He states, however, that he found very little animal life in the col- lection, except:— PROTOZOA. ROTIFERS. Amaeba guttula . Rotifer vulgaris Actinophrys sol Metopidia acuminata (Dr. Cooke adds, "There may be one or two additions to this list, as there are a few specimens which I have not had time to examine sufficiently to fix the names with any certainty.") About five o'clock the whistle was sounded, and the members found their way in groups to the Wake Arms, where a well-served and sub- stantial tea awaited them. Then, making for the train, the forest road towards Theydon was taken, a halt being made in the woods to listen to the genial conductor, Dr. Cooke, as he discoursed on the wonders of the water, the curious Algae, Diatoms, Desmids, Rotifers, &c, which a little searching would reveal in the ditches, pools, and swamps of Epping Forest. The rain came down 'during the Doctor's address, and he made some humorous allusions to the vanity of human wishes as exemplified by the afternoon's proceedings. But he said he had very great faith in Epping Forest as being perhaps the best spot for the naturalist within forty miles of London. As an instance, he men- tioned that, on the previous Saturday afternoon, he had found at Snaresbrook three species of Algae hitherto unknown in Britain— namely, Hydrianum heteromorphum (Reinsch) Sphaerozosma secedens (De Bary) Closterium linea (Perty). This result showed that the persevering hunter might still find worlds to conquer in our own districts.