viii Journal of Proceedings. Mr. Andrew Johnston, in his capacity of Verderer of the Forest, asked whether there was any likelihood of the Roe Deer, and Badger, remaining in Epping Forest if undisturbed there. Mr. Harting replied that both these animals were of a retiring nature, and required to be kept absolutely quiet. If the public had access to all the covers in the woods it would be impossible to keep them, but if they could be kept undisturbed they might do very well. The Roe Deer was of a wandering disposition, and would require a large area of forest wherein it could roam undisturbed. Therefore he thought there would be some difficulty in inducing it to remain in Epping Forest. The Badger only required protection, quiet, and water, and he thought there would be no difficulty with that animal. A cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Harting was carried by acclamation.