Journal of Proceedings. lix Saturday, November 27TH, 1880.—Ordinary Meeting. The Monthly Meeting was held at seven o'clock, the President in the chair. The following persons were ballotted for and elected members of the Club:—Messrs. George Brooke, F. T. Lockyer, Thos. S. Morten, C. J. S. Parker, Rev. T. W. Peile, Edwin Richardson, G. T. Saul, F.Z.S., Miss Spicer, Messrs. W. Thorp, B.Sc, F.C.S., &c, T. H. Varley, F.R.A.S., &c, F. B. Wells, E. Wheeler. Mr. P. Copland was chosen Auditor on behalf of the Council, and Mr. Saul on behalf of the members. The following works were presented to the Club : Warner's "Plantae Woodfordienses," by Sir J. Clarke Jervoise ; Relham's "Flora Cantabri- giensis," Ray's "Wisdom of God in Creation," and Ray's "Travels," by Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole. The following letter from Lieut.-Col. Russell, J.P., D.L., North Ockenden, Essex, addressed to the Secretary, was read :— "November 10th, 1880. " Dear Sir,—The enclosed notices of motion have been given at the last Essex Quarter Sessions, and the one of them which there seems to be best supported will be made January 4th. Motion No. 2 would meet with overwhelming support as against March 1st for beginning of close time for all birds, but No. 1 is, I think, better in itself, and is pre- ferred by the men near the coast on whose land large numbers of Ducks breed, by Decoyholders, and by shooters of all sorts. I shall be glad to' know the opinions and wishes of the members of the Epping Forest Naturalists' Club on the subject, with a view to try and get done what will be most generally suitable. With the exception of the few migrants mentioned in (1), which do not breed in this county, and whose numbers experience shows not to be affected by close time in this county, everybody seems willing to let the birds have close time from the 1st of March.—Yours faithfully, "C. Russell." The resolutions referred to above :— " (I.)—That this Court do apply to the Secretary of State for the Home Department to vary the close time under the Wild Birds Protection Act, 1880, for this county in manner following, that is to say : That the close time as regards the Curlew, Dunbird (including Scaup Duck), Gedwit, Knot, Oxbird, Plover (not including Lapwing), Snipe, Widgeon, Wild Goose, and Woodcock, extend annually between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of August." * * At the meeting of the Essex Quarter Sessions held on January 4th, 1881, the above (first) resolution was carried, on the motion of Lieut.-Col. Russell, seconded by Mr. J. Round, M.P.; and upon the proposition of Mr. Round, seconded by Mr. E. N. Buxton, it was agreed that the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee to