Journal of Proceedings. lxxi of lichens and mosses collected by Richard Warner, given to the Club by our member Sir J. Clarke Jervoise, Bart.; and the collections formed at Dry Drayton by our member Rev. F. A. Walker, B.D., F.L.S. These latter comprise small collections of birds, birds'-eggs, and insects, gathered in the preparation of the donor's "History of Dry Drayton, London, 1876." The thanks of the Club are due to the Conductors of the Art Classes (Miss J. E. Cole and Mr. H. A. Cole) for permission to meet in the rooms at 3, St. John's Terrace, and the Council has great pleasure in accepting the offer of two rooms for the sole use of the Club's Library and Museum. Bearing in mind the large amount of work involved in launching a Society such as ours, the members will probably consider the Treasurer's statement satisfactory. The Council records with thanks special donations towards expenses from Mr. Darwin, Mr. Walker, Mr. Letchford, and Mr. Browne. In conclusion, your Council cannot but consider that the events of the year form an encouraging earnest of future work, and the officers confidently hope that they will not lack the energetic and enthusiastic support of members and friends during the year 1881. The Report was carried unanimously, on the motion of Mr. B. G. Cole, seconded by Mr. Hutchison. The Secretary proposed on behalf of the Council the following slight alterations in the Rules:—Rule III., to strike out the word "seven," and to read "five to form a quorum." After Rule IV. to add "should a vacancy occur in the Council by retirement or otherwise, the Council shall have fower to nominate any member to fill the vacancy until the next General Meeting." In Rule VII. to add at end of first sentence, "but shall not be entitled to receive the publications of the Club during the year without pay- ment;" and in Rule XV. to strike out in the first sentence the words "on the second Saturday," so as to read, "The Annual General Meeting shall be held in January." These alterations were unanimously agreed to. The members nominated at the meeting on December 18th were chosen to fill vacancies on the Council and as Officers for 1881. On the proposal of the Council, the following gentlemen were elected Honorary Members of the Club, in recognition of distinguished efforts for the advancement and spread of natural science, and in grateful acknowledgment of services rendered to the Club :—Dr. M. C. Cooke, M.A., A.L.S., J. E. Harting, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S., Major-General Pitt-Rivers, F.R.S., and Henry Walker, F.G.S. The President then delivered his Annual Address ("Transactions," Vol. I., p. 97).