lxxii Journal of Proceedings. Mr. Robarts, in proposing that the address be printed and circulated in the usual way, said it was the future which should possess the most interest for them. It was very desirable that all members should strive to add their quota, however humble, to increasing the interest of the meetings, especially in objects and facts connected with the County. They ardently wished for a great increase in the number of members, not mainly to augment the funds, but that more matter in the way of original contributions might find its way into their hands. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Lockyer, and carried by acclamation; Mr. Letchford proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Officers of the Club in a humourous speech. Mr. Hutchison seconded, saying that few were aware of the large amount of work thrown upon officers of such Societies. The compliment was suitably acknowledged by Messrs. Meldola, Barnes, Cole, and Lockyer. Thanks were also voted to the Auditors; and on the motion of the President, seconded by the Treasurer, Miss J. E. Cole and Mr. H. A. Cole, the Conductors of the Government Art Classes, were warmly thanked for the accommodation afforded to the Club for its meetings, and the use of rooms for the Library and Museum.