Lxxiii INDEX TO JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. Algae, etc., observed at Field Meeting, xviii. Alterations in Rules, lxxi. Ancient Earthworks in Epping Forest, Proposed excavation of, xxxii, 1, liv. ------------------, Visit to, xxiv. Annual General Meeting, lxviii, Aplecta occulta, xxii. Balance Sheet, 1880, lxix. " Botanical work to be done," xliii, Botany Class, Proposed, xi. Boulger, Prof. G. S., Abstract of Lecture, xliii. Brady, Sir Antonio, Abstracts of Addresses, xiii, xxxiii. Bustard in Essex, v. Club, Origin of, i. Connaught, H.R.H. The Duke of, as Patron, liv. Connection between the Agaricini and Polyporei, lxi. Cooke, Dr. M. C, Abstracts of Addresses, xviii, li. Cowper, B. H., Abstracts of Address, xxv, xxvii. Daphne laureola, v, ix. Deer of Epping Forest, xlvi. Drosera rotundifolia, xxii. Dwarf Lepidoptera, xlvi. Ennomos angularia, xi. Ephyra punctaria, x. Epping Forest and the Great Eastern Railway, lxvii. Epping, Visit to, xix. Exchange Scheme, xxiii.