THE EPPING FOREST AND COUNTY OF ESSEX NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. RULES Passed at the Foundation Meeting, held at Buckhurst Hill, January 10, 1880; and Revised January 22, 1881. I.—The Society shall be called "The Epping Forest Objects. and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club ;" its Head-quarters shall be at Buckhurst Hill, in the County of Essex; and its objects shall be the study and investigation of the Natural History, Geology, and Archaeology of the County of Essex (special attention being given to the Fauna, Flora, Geology, and Antiquities of Epping Forest) ; the publication of the results of such investigations; the formation of a Library of Works of Local Interest and other publications; the formation of a Museum; and the dissemination of information on Natural Science and Antiquities. II.—The Club shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary Constitution Members, including Ladies ; the number of Ordinary Members being unlimited, and the number of Honorary Members being limited to twenty. III.—The management of the Club shall be vested in a Management Council, consisting of a President, Treasurer, Secretary,