2 Retirement of Officers. Librarian, and twenty-five other Members, all of whom must be ordinary Members of the Club; five to form a quorum. The President shall nominate four Members of the Council to act as Vice-Presidents during his year of office. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, Librarian, and those four of the other Members of the Council who shall have been longest in office (reckoning from their original appointment or election if they shall not have been re- elected, or from their last re-election when they shall have been re-elected), shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. If, in consequence of several Members having been elected or appointed at the same time, there shall be any difficulty in determining which four Members ought to retire under this rule, those Members who have been elected or appointed at the same time shall decide such question by mutual arrangement between themselves, or, in default of such arrangement, by lot. Nomination IV.—At the Ordinary Meeting in December nominations Of Officers, shall be made of Candidates to fill the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian, and vacancies on the Council. Such nominations as regards Members of the Council other than the President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian, shall be made by Resolutions, duly moved and seconded, no Member being entitled to propose more than one Candidate. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian, shall be nominated by the Council. A list of all nominations made as above shall be printed in alphabetical order upon the ballot-paper. At the Annual General Meeting Election Of in January all the above Officers and Members of Council Officers. shall be elected by ballot from the Candidates ; but any Member shall be at liberty to substitute on his or her ballot-paper any other name or names in lieu of those nominated for the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Librarian. Should a vacancy occur in the Council, by retirement or otherwise, the Council shall have power to nominate any Member of the Club to fill the vacancy until the next General Meeting.