4 five to be elected in any one year. No subscription or other payment shall be required from the Honorary Members. Compounding for Subscription. IX.—Any Ordinary Member may compound for his or her Annual Subscription by a single payment of £5 5s.: all such sums to be dealt with in such manner as the Council shall think fit. Privileges of Members. X.—Every Member, whether Ordinary or Honorary, shall have the privilege of attending all the Annual, Ordinary and Field Meetings of the Club, and of introducing one visitor at any such Meeting (who shall enter his or her name, with that of the Member by whom he or she is introduced, in a book kept for that purpose), and shall be entitled to receive a copy of all publications of the Club during his or her membership, and to the use of the Library and Museum in accordance with the regulations. Resignation of Members. XI.—Members wishing to resign at the termination of any year are required to inform the Secretary, in writing, of their intention to do so, on or before the first day of November in that year. Meetings. XII.—No fewer than eight Ordinary Meetings of the Club shall be held in each year, at such places and at such times as the Council may appoint; the Council shall also have power to appoint Bye-meetings for study or other purposes. Field Meetings shall also be held at such places and times as the Council may direct. Field Meetings. Business at XIII.—At the Ordinary Meetings the following business Ordinary shall be transacted:—The Minutes of the last Meeting shall Meetings. be read, and, if approved, confirmed; contributions to the Club since the last Meeting announced, and, if consisting of anything but money, exhibited ; Certificates for new Members read; Ballots for new Members taken ; specimens exhibited, and remarks made on the same ; communications and papers read and discussed, and any other business which the Chair- man or Secretary may think it desirable to bring before the