5 Meeting, transacted. After which the Meeting shall resolve itself into a Conversazione. XIV.—The Field Meetings shall be under the entire Field control of the Council, who may appoint Lecturers, and Meetings. make such other arrangements as they may deem best for the comfort of the Members and their friends. XV.—The Annual General Meeting shall be held in Annual January, at which the Report of the Council on the affairs General of the Club, and the Balance-sheet duly signed by the Meeting. Auditors (to be appointed as provided by Rule XVII.), shall be read. Printed lists of Members nominated for election as President, Treasurer, Secretary, Librarian, and members of the Council, having been distributed, and the Chairman having appointed two or more Members to act as Scrutineers, the Meeting shall then proceed to ballot for such elections. If from any cause these elections, or any of them, do not take place at this Meeting, they shall be made at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Club. XVI.—Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings at all Minutes. Meetings of the Club, and of those at all Meetings of the Council, and the Minutes of each Meeting of the Club (except Field Meetings) shall be read as the first business at the next Meeting (other than a Field Meeting), whether Annual or Ordinary, of the Club. And in like manner the Minutes of each Meeting of the Council shall be read at the next Meeting of the Council. XVII.—The accounts of the Club shall be audited by two Accounts. Members, one to be appointed by the Council and one by the Members at the Ordinary Meeting in November. XVIII.—The Club, on the recommendation of the Council, shall undertake the investigation of any subject of a scientific nature, relating to Epping Forest or the County of Essex, which the Council shall think it desirable to investigate, and shall, if the Council shall so recommend, publish the results of such investigations. Investiga- tions, and Publication of results of same.