JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS AT ORDINARY, FIELD, AND OTHER MEETINGS. Saturday, February 26th, 1881.—Ordinary Meeting. [Before the commencement of the official business of the Meeting, the Rev. W. Linton Wilson, M.A. (one of the Vice-Presidents of the Club) in a kindly speech presented the Honorary Secretary with a handsome silver salver and a purse, on behalf of some members of the Club, as a friendly memento of his labours in the foundation and first year's work of the Society. The salver is inscribed as follows :—"Presented to William Cole, Esq., by some of the members of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club, in recognition of his services in connection with that Society, February 26th, 1881." Mr. Cole in a short speech warmly thanked his friends and colleagues for their kindly feelings towards him, and for their generous appreciation of his efforts to found a Naturalists' Society in Essex which should be worthy of their fine but much-neglected county. He had received so much ready help from scientific and other friends that the work of calling the Club into being had been a very delightful task, and he felt that success was certain if equal energy and enthusiasm were shown in the future.] The thirteenth Ordinary Meeting was held at the head-quarters of the Club, 3, St. John's Terrace, Buckhurst Hill, at seven o'clock, the President, Mr. Raphael Meldola, in the chair. Letters of thanks for election as Honorary Members from Dr. M. C. Cooke, J. E. Harting, Esq., Major-General Pitt-Rivers, Worthington Smith, Esq., and Henry Walker, Esq., were read by the Secretary. Donations of books, pamphlets and periodicals (exclusive of "Ex- changes") were announced from Miss Cole, Mr. B. G. Cole, Mr. P. F. Copland, Mr. W. H. Gomm (15 vols.), Mr. J. E. Harting (9 vols.), Mr. W. S. Simpson, Mr. W. Swanston, Mr. C. Thomas, Rev. F. A. Walker, and Mrs. Yeates. Mr. Heathfield presented one of Smith and Beck's "Universal Microscopes" ; Mr. Gomm three exhibition boxes; the Rev. F. A. Walker some specimens of sponges, &c, from Hunstanton; and Mr. Meldola some skins of British birds. A vote of thanks to the donors was passed by acclamation. Upwards of twenty of the principal vol. ii. a