Journal of Proceedings. xix Cordial votes of thanks were passed to Mr. Channer the Secretary of the "Gray's Chalk Quarries Company," to Mr. Anson, the Engineer, and Mr. Philcox, the Superintendent of the Works, for facilities afforded to the meeting. Mr. Philcox brought up a number of interesting fossils from the chalk, including the palatal teeth of fishes, Echini, &c. Mr. Cole tendered his best thanks to the Rev. R. H. Brenan, M.A., Vicar of Grays, for the courtesy with which he had placed his school-room at the disposal of the Council for the discussion of the day's observations, and regretted that time would not allow them to take advantage of his ready kindness. The 7.58 train took the members up to town, and one of the most numerously-attended and successful meetings since the Club's formation appeared to have been enjoyed by all present. The brief bibliography of the Geology of Grays, prepared by Mr. Walker for our programme, is reprinted here as an aid to students:— MAPS.—London and its Environs (Geological Survey Map), 1873. Or Sheet 1, S.W. (included in the above). LITERATURE.—Prof. John Morris, M.A., F.G.S., &c—' On a Fresh- water Deposit containing Mammalian Remains, recently discovered at Grays, Essex'. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. ix., 261 (1886), and Series 2, Vol. ii., 539. Prof. R. Owen, F.R.S., &c.—'Notice of the Occurrence of Remains of Megaceros Hibernicus and Castor Europaeus in Brick- fields of Ilford and Grays Thurrock.' Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc, iv., 42. W. B. Dawkins, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S.—' On the Age of the Lower Brick-earths of the Thames Valley.' Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc, xxiii., 91. A. Tylor, F.G.S.—'On Quarternary Gravels.' Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc, xxv., 57. Also issued separately by Geol. Assoc Proc Geol. Assoc, ii., 29, 230, 245. (Contains List of Mammalia found at Grays.) Prof. John Morris, M.A.—' On the Occurrence of Greywethers at Grays.' Geol. Mag., iv., 63. Prof. Prestwich, M.A.—'Report of Water-springs at Grays.' Privately printed, 8vo, London, 1860. Do.—' On Sand-pipes at Grays Thurrock.' Geologist, iv., 258. W. Whitaker, B.A., F.G.S.—Memoirs Geol. Survey, iv., 36, 72, 349. 'Chalk and Thanet Sands.' Do.—'Guide to Geology of London and the Neighbourhood.' (Geological Survey Memoir.) 'River Drifts,' chap. 6. Third Edition. Price ls Searles V. Wood, F.G.S.—'On the Newer Pliocene of England,' with Map Sections, &c. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc, xxxvi., pp. 457—528.