Journal, of Proceedings. lxv neighbourhood of the "Green Bide," from Staples Hill to Monk Wood, and more particularly in the latter place. Lichenes (named in accordance with Rev. W. A. Leighton's ' Lichen Flora of Great Britain,' 2nd Edition):— Calicium hyperellum. On old Parmelia plysodes. trunks, Monk Wood. P. saxatilis. Monk Wood. Cladina rangiferina. Pertusaria communis. MonkWood. Cladonia pyxidata, Lecidea (Griffithii) tricolor. Monk Evernia, prunastri. Wood. Parmelia olivacea. Hepatics (named in accordance with Dr. Cooke's 'British Hepaticae'):— Jungermannia albicans. Fossombronia pusilla. On the J. ventricosa. banks of the stream crossing Lophocolea bidentata. the Green Bide near Debden L. heterophylla. Monk Wood. Slade. Musci (named in accordance with the ' London Catalogue of British Mosses,' 2nd Edition, 1881) :— Weissia cirrhata. Mnium hornum. Dicranella heteromalla. Monk Tetraphis pellucida. Wood. Polytrichum formosum. Monk Dicranum majus. Wood, &c. D. palustre. Neckera complanata. Growing Campylopus flexuosus. Monk with Hypnum cupressiforme. Wood, in fruit. Thuidium tamariscinum. G. pyriformis. Eurhynchium myosuroides. Leucobryum glaucum. Monk Plagiothecium undulatum. Monk Wood. Wood. Pleuridium nitidum. On banks Hypnum cupressiforme. of stream crossing Green Bide, H. purum. near Debden Slade; also in Hylocomium splendens. Monk Wood. Owing to the attractions of the Fungi the Phanerogamia were but little noticed, the only plant gathered worth recording being Gnaphalium sylva- ticum, which was growing plentifully in the open gravelly ground near Monk Wood. Mr. Saville Kent was with us, ready to afford information to the student of minute life in the searching of ponds and ditches, but no report of captures has reached us. Mr. Kent found some forms of the dubious Myxomycetes, concerning the fungoid or infusorial nature of which so much discussion has recently taken place. As dusk began to fall the large party made towards the "Crown" Hotel, Loughton; everyone being furnished with ample stores of speci- mens. Arrived at the Inn, the bags and boxes were carefully emptied and the Fungi ranged in due order in the room set apart for the exhibition, and then came the usual Club tea. After tea the 20th Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held, the President in the Chair.