Journal of Proceedings. lxxxi Saturday, December 17th, 1881.—Ordinary Meeting. The 23rd Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held at the Head Quarters at seven o'clock, the President in the Chair. Donations of books were announced from Mr. B. G. Cole (2 vols.), and Miss J. Combs. Mr. English presented to the Museum ten species of Fungi belonging to the genera Polyporus, Daedalea, Trametes, and Stereum, preserved by his well-known process ; Mr. F. H. Varley the two specimens of Papilio Machaon referred to at the last Meeting ; and Mr. Harcourt intimated his intention of presenting a collection of the Flowering Plants of the Forest, then being prserved by Mr. English. Cordial votes of thanks were passed to the respective donors. Mr. E. R. Green and Mr. E. G. Varenne were elected members of the Club. In accordance with the Rules the President announced that the following vacancies had occurred in the Council :—Dr. Aveling (resigned), Mr. Copland (resigned), Mr. Andrew Johnston (nominated as Treasurer), and Mr. B. G. Cole (nominated as Assistant Hon. Secretary). To fill the seats so rendered vacant, the following members were pro- posed :—Mr. H. J. Barnes (on vacating office as Treasurer), Professor Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., Mr. Arthur Lister, J.P., F.L.S., and the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. (Prof, of Experimental Physics at the University of Cambridge). To fulfil the requirements of Rule III., the following members of Council agreed to retire, but offered themselves for re-election :—Mr. Godwin, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. R. L. Barnes, and Mr. Robarts. As Officers for 1882 the following gentlemen were nominated:— President, Raphael Meldola, F.R.A.S., F.C.S. (Vice-President of Entomo-. logical Society); Treasurer, Andrew Johnston, J.P., D.L. (late High Sheriff of Essex); Secretary, William Cole ; Assistant-Secretary, B. G. Cole; Librarian, Alfred Lockyer. The Secretary, on behalf of the Council, gave notice of his intention to move at the Annual Meeting the following additions to the several Rules mentioned:— In Rule I., after title of Club, to add the words "and its short title shall be 'THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB'" ; in Rule III., after the word "Secretary". in Clause i., and throughout the Rules, to add the words "Assistant Secretary" ; at the end of Rule VII. to add the words " and the names of Members so in arrear may be suspended in the rooms of the Club " ; at the end of Rule XI. to add the words " and Members not so resigning shall be liable for the subscription for the year next ensuing." The Council thought it unwise, at present at least, to alter the legal title of the Club, but the above addition would perhaps meet the objection which had been raised in some quarters, that the full title of the l