Journal of Proceedings. lxxxvii Mr. Leonard Brown was elected a member of the Club. The President stated that at the last meeting a resolution concerning the projected tramway's through the Forest had been passed, and it was then decided to request their member, Sir John Lubbock, M.P., to present a Petition to Parliament against the Bill of the promoters. Sir John Lubbock had expressed his willingness to do so, but he (the President) was extremely glad to announce that further action had been rendered unnecessary by the collapse of the Tramways Bill for that Session of Parliament at least. The opposition to the scheme had been almost universal, ratepayers and lovers of the Forest equally objecting to the tramways as hurtful and unnecessary. [Loud applause]. The Secretary read a letter received from the Rev. Nicholas Brady, acknowledging the vote of condolence passed at the last meeting to Lady Brady and family. The Meeting then resolved itself into— The Annual General Meeting. In accordance with the circular dated January 14th, 1882, sent to all members, the Second Annual General Meeting of the Club was held at a quarter past seven o'clock, the President in the Chair. . The Treasurer's Statement of Account for the past year was read by Mr. Robarts, one of the Auditors. [See Appendix]. Mr. John Spiller moved the adoption of the financial statement, which he considered on the whole to be very satisfactory ; and he included in the motion a cordial vote of thanks to the late Treasurer, Mr. H. J. Barnes, who was abroad in consequence of ill-health, and also to Mr. B. L. Barnes, who had acted as Treasurer since his brother's departure. The motion was seconded by Mr. Godwin, and carried unanimously. Mr. B. L. Barnes briefly returned thanks on behalf of his brother and himself. The Secretary read the Report of the Council for the year 1881. [See Appendix.] Mr. Friswell in moving the adoption of the Report, alluded to the rapid increase in the number of members, and to the encouraging fact that the Club was making itself known outside the merely local sphere of its action. The motion was seconded by Mr. F. C. Gould, and carried unanimously. The ballot for new Members of Council and for the Officers of the Club for 1882 was then held in accordance with the Rules ; Mr. F. H. Varley and Dr. Pearce acting as Scrutineers. The new Members of Council and Officers nominated at the last meeting were unanimously elected. [Applause]. [By inadvertence the formal confirmation of the additions to the Rules proposed at the preceding meeting and the nomination of two Honorary Members were not moved, but the omission was rectified