lxxxviii Journal of Proceedings. at the next meeting, February 25th, 1882, which was made special for that purpose.—Ed.] The President then delivered his Annual Address, which, after a short review of the Club's history during the past year [Trans. ii. 192], con- sisted of the first portion of an essay on "The Phenomena of Cyclical Propagation in the Animal Kingdom." The lecture was illustrated by a series of large diagrams prepared for the occasion by Mr. Henry A. Cole. The conclusion of the paper will be read at a subsequent meeting. Professor Boulger said that he had much pleasure in proposing a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Meldola for his very able address, and he was sure all would look forward to the second part with great interest. But the facts brought forward were in themselves so wonderful and instructive that, even without the theoretical links which the author promised to supply, they furnished abundant material for thought. He might say that the phenomena commonly known as the "alternation of generations," but which had been so well re-named" cyclical propaga- tion," were by no means confined to. animals, and at a subsequent period he might venture to place before the Club some observations upon the existence of similar- phases of polymorphic development amongst plants. The Rev. W. Linton Wilson warmly seconded the vote of thanks, and Mr. F. C. Gould suggested that with it should be incorporated a grateful recognition of the value of their President's services during his years of office, and a like compliment to the Honorary Secretary for his work during the past session. On the motion of Mr. Godwin a vote of thanks was also passed to Mr. Alfred Lockyer, the Honorary Librarian, for the capital manner in which he had gathered together a very fair nucleus of a library, and the great care shown in the arrangement and cataloguing of the books. The votes having been unanimously agreed to, the President, Secretary and Librarian briefly returned thanks, the former also acknowledging the compliment paid to him by his being elected for the third time to fill the Presidential chair. A hearty vote of thanks was also tendered to Mr. H. A. Cole and Miss Cole for the use of. the rooms for the Library and Museum, and for the Meetings of the Club, on the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. Varley. The thanks of the Club were also given to the Auditors, Messrs. Robarts and Letchford, to which the latter gentleman responded. In bringing the meeting to a close, the President said it was his privilege to nominate the Vice-Presidents for his year of office. He named Mr. E. A. Fitch, F.L.S., Mr. N. F. Robarts, F.G.S., Rev. W. Linton Wilson, M.A., and (by permission) the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. He also called attention to the subscription list for the "Forest Camps Exploration Fund, 1882," and hoped that the Society would be put into possession of funds sufficient to carry on the work with credit to itself and benefit to Archeological Science.