INDEX TO JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS. Abraxas ulmata in Essex, lviii. Accentor modularis, white aberra- tion of, iv. Achatina acicula, xi. Ambresbury Banks : Report on the Exploration of, xxviii; plan of operations, xxix; literature and history of, xxx; site and sur- surroundings of, xxxii. Annual General Meeting, lxxxvii. Batrachia, retarded development of, lxxviii. Birch, G. H.: description of Wal- tham Abbey, vi; history of, viri, x. Birds, protection of, lxxv ; rare, in Essex, lxxx. Brady, Sir A., death of, lxxxii. Bree, Dr. C. B., on hawfinches in Essex, iii. British Association and the investi- gation of Loughton Camp, lxviii. Buteo vulgaris in Essex, lxxiii. Buxton, Sir T.F., on the occurrence of a Honey Buzzard in Epping Forest, lxxii; on protection of birds, lxxv. Cecidomyia foliorum, xx. Chancellor, F.: history and de- scription of St. Mary's, Chelms- ford, xlvii; of Sandon Church, li; of Danbury Church, liii; on ancient earthworks in Essex, lvii. Chelmsford, visited, xlvi; St. Mary's Church, xlvii; flowering plants in neighbourhood of, 1. Chigwell, visited, xxxiv ; history of, xxxiv; derivation of name, xxxv; St. Mary's Church, xxxvi; cele- brities of, xxxvii. Christy, B. M., on Cyclostoma ele- gant, xxi ; on the Honey Buzzard and Common Buzzard in Essex, lxxiii; on early stages of Papilio Machaon, lxxx. Claytonia perfoliata, introduction of into Essex, li. Coccothraustes vulgaris in Essex, iii. Cole, B. G., on Sesia fuciformis, lxxxiii. Cole, H. A., on worked flints from Parndon and High Beach, lviii. Cole, W., presentation to, i; on observing larva), v.; on tramways in Epping Forest, lxxvi, lxxxv ; on retarded development of Batrachia, lxxvii; on Papilio Machaon, lxxix. Cooke, Dr. M. C, on the Fungi of Epping Forest, lxvi. Coprinus aratus from Epping Forest, lxiii; cystidia of, lxiv. Council for 1882, lxxxi, lxxxvii. Crouch, W., on Cyclostoma elegans, xi; on museum specimens, lix ; on the Mollusca of the Boding Valley, lix. Cyclical propagation, lxxxviii. Cyclostoma elegant, xi, xxi. Dalton, W. H., on Cyclostoma ele- gans, xi. Danbury, visited, xlvi ; the church, liii; ancient camp at, liv ; notes on the natural history of, liv. Deer of Epping Forest, xxi, xxii. Dene-holes at Grays, xviii. Dianthus, fasciation in, vi. Diatoms. Desmids and Alga) from Epping Forest, xlii. D'Oyley, W., on the deer of Epping Forest, xxii. Dulcranum glaucum in fruit, vi. Elm, large, at Waltham Abbey, vii. English, J. L., on hawfinches, iv ; on adaptation in Ranuneulus aquatilis, xl; on Sesia fuciformis, lxxxiii; on the Fungi of Epping Forest, lxxxiii.