xi CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY. LIBRARY REGULATIONS. 1.—Books may be borrowed by Members only, on application to the Librarian, at such times as the Booms occupied by the Society are open to Members. 2.—The title of every book borrowed shall be entered in the Library Register, with the signature of the borrower. 3.—No Member may borrow more than one volume at a time, without the permission of the Council, and certain books (marked thus * in the Catalogue) may only be consulted at Head-quarters. 4.—No book may be retained longer than one month, but a Member may borrow the same volume for a further period, if no other application for it be made. 5.—All books shall be returned at the last Ordinary Meeting of each Session, and the issue shall not be resumed until the first Ordinary Meeting of the following Session. 6.—No map, plate, drawing, manuscript, or unbound publication, may be borrowed without the permission of the Council, but current numbers of periodicals, transactions, &c., will be laid upon the Library table, and back numbers of the same may be referred to on the premises, if necessary. 7.—Any Member failing to return a book on the application of the Librarian, or returning a book damaged or defaced, shall be liable for its value; and if it form part of a work, for the value of the whole work rendered imperfect. Books marked thus * do not circulate- Adams, H. G. Beautiful Butterflies. 8vo. London. [N. D.] American Entomologist. 2nd series. 8vo. New York, 1880. Anon. [Defoe.] The History of the Great Plague in London. [Con- taining references to Epping Forest.] 8vo. London, 1832. Anon. English Forests and Forest Trees, Historical, Legendary, and Descriptive. 8vo. London, 1863. Anon. (" Stonehenge.") British Rural Sports. 14th edition. 8vo. London, 1878. Anon. The Wild Flowers of Bepton. 8vo. London, 1866.