xviii Appendix. Weismann, Dr. A. Studies in the Theory of Descent. Translated and edited by Raphael Meldola. With a Prefatory Notice by Dr. C. Darwin. 8vo. London, 1882. Westhoff, H. M. Pre-historic Phases ; or Introductory Essays on Pre- historic Archaeology. 8vo. London, 1872. White, Rev. G. The Natural History of Selborne ; to which are added, the Naturalist's Calendar, Miscellaneous Observations, and Poems. A new edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. ----------. The Natural History of Selborne; with Observations on various parts of Nature, and the Naturalist's Calendar. Edited by Capt. T. Brown, 5th edition. 8vo. London, 1835. White, William. History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Essex. 2nd edition. 12mo. Sheffield, 1868. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Magazine. Vol. xix. 8vo. Devizes, 1881. Wood, Rev. J. G., and Theodore Wood. The Field Naturalist's Hand- book. 8vo. London, [N. D.] Wood, Searles V. A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca. Part. i. Uni- valves. (Palaeontographical Society.) 4to. London, 1848. Wood, Theodore. Field Naturalist's Handbook. See Wood, Rev. J. G. Woodward, Henry. See Davies, William. Zoologist. Vols. xxi.—xxii. 3rd series, vols. i.—v. 8vo. London, 1863—64, and 1877—81. Pamphlets. Vol. i. Waltham Abbey. 8vo. Contents : Maynard, John. The Parish of Waltham Abbey; its History and Antiquities. London, 1865. Winters, William. History of the Lady Chapel adjoining the Abbey Church of Waltham Holy Cross. Waltham Abbey, 1875. ----------. Visitors' Handbook of the Ancient Town of Waltham Holy Cross. 2nd edition. lb., 1877. Pamphlets. Vol. ii. Waltham Abbey. 8vo. Contents: Winters, William. Biographical Notes on John Foxe, the Martyr- ologist. Waltham Abbey, 1876. ----------. Select Passages in the Life and Reign of Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings. lb. ----------. Ecclesiastical Works of the Middle Ages. lb.. 1877. ----------. Annals of the Clergy of Waltham Holy Cross. lb., 1880. Pamphlets. Vol. iii. Geology. 8vo. Content*: Brigg, John. The Industrial Geology of Bradford. Leeds, 1874. Clark, J. E. Recent Shell Deposits. (Nat. Hist. Journ., 1879.) Dalton, W. H. A Brief Sketch of the Geology of Colchester. (Essex Stand., 1875.) ----------. Note on the Range of the Lower Tertiaries of East Suffolk. (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1880.)