ii Journal of Proceedings. sympathies he was in a quiet way always ready to help where help in any form was needful; and to a large circle of private friends his death is the subject of deep regret. Owing to pressure of business, an error occurred in the conduct of the Annual General Meeting, in consequence of which this Meeting was made Special, for the purpose of formally proposing the additions to and alterations in the Rules of which notice had been given at the Meeting on December 17th [see 'Proceedings' ii. lxxxi.], and for the election of two Honorary Members. As Honorary Members the Council proposed Professor John Morris, M.A., F.G.S, (an eminent geologist, and a gentleman who had taken great interest in the Club), and Mr. W. Saville Kent, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., author of the ' Manual of the Infusoria.' Both these gentlemen were unanimously elected. The Secretary then proposed, on behalf of the Council, the Additions to the Rules above referred to, which were unanimously confirmed. The Meeting proceeded to discuss the question of the protection of birds and animals, and the preservation of the natural features of the Forest. A full report of the discussion is given in Appendix No. 1, issued with this Part of the 'Transactions.' The usual conversazione concluded the meeting. Saturday, March 25th, 1882.—Ordinary Meeting. The twenty-sixth Ordinary Meeting was held at the head-quarters at seven o'clock, the President in the chair. Donations for the library were announced from Mr. B. G. Cole (2 vols.), Mr. W. Cole (22 vols. and sundry pamphlets), Dr. M. C. Cooke (9 vols.), Mr. W. H. Dalton, Mr. H. G. Fordham, Mr. Andrew Johnston (25 vols.), Mr. A. Lockyer (2 vols.), Prof. Morris, Mr. Oldham, Dr. Pearce, and the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club (7 vols.) Special votes of thanks were passed for these valuable donations. The following were elected members of the Club :—Messrs. J. Whiteley Brown, W. W. Brown, Lieut. Croft, R.N., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., George Day, Miss E. S. Powell, Messrs. A. W. Shrewsbury and H. M. Wilkinson. Letters of thanks for election as Honorary Members were read from Prof. Morris and Mr. Saville Kent. The Secretary announced that progress had been made in the prepara- tion of the memorial in favour of the preservation of wild animals, and the retention of the natural features of Epping Forest. Statements had been received from Prof. Boulger and Dr. Cooke, and one was promised by Mr. Harting. Resolutions in favour of the movement, and letters of sympathy had been received from many societies and naturalists. [See Appendix No. 1.]