Journal of Proceedings. lv sufficiently complete to enable any conclusive opinion being formed as to the precise age of the earthwork, although the relics thus far found, conjoined with the absence of all Roman remains, pointed to a very early, and most probably pre-Roman period. A third cutting was therefore commenced on August 14th. This was eight feet broad, and in it were found several pieces of pot, and a few flakes and "cores." The form of the fosse or ditch had previously been made out in No. 2 cutting; it was V-shaped in section—like that at Ambresbury. A fourth cutting was made longitudinally into a portion of the rampart, in which a small piece of pot and a flake were found. The last day of the week's work was devoted to several experimental diggings at one of the " pits " in the centre of the camp, and a hurried examination of some barrow-like mounds in the valley towards Loughton, pointed out to us by Mr. D'Oyley. In the pit one flint flake was found, but the "mounds" furnished no evidence of human workmanship. As before, it is thought well to append a register of the attendances of those members of the Committee who acted as superintendents of the work of digging, at which four labourers were employed. The task was by no means a sinecure (although it was allowed to fall upon a few energetic and persevering members), as it demanded watchful care during the whole working day from 6.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. A word of praise is eminently due to our workmen, who exhibited great care and intelli- gence in the somewhat tedious and delicate tasks set before them :— Monday, May 39th.—Messrs. D'Oyley, Cuthbert, B. G. Cole, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole. Tuesday, May 30th.—Messrs. D'Oyley, N. F. Robarts, G. Rees, B. G. Cole, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole. Wednesday, May 31st.—Messrs. G. C. Harcourt, B. G. Cole, and W. Cole. Thursday, June 1st.—Messrs. P. H. Varley, B. G. Cole, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole. Friday, June 2nd.—Messrs. D'Oyley, W. Cole, and Rev. W. Linton Wilson. Saturday, June 3rd.—Messrs. D'Oyley, B. G. Cole, and W. Cole. Monday, June 5th.—Messrs. Meldola, A. Lockyer, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole. Tuesday, June 6th.—Too wet to work. Wednesday, June 7th.—Messrs. Meldola and W. Cole. Thursday, June 8th— Messrs. Meldola, D'Oyley, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole. Friday, June 9th.—Mr. H. A. Cole. Saturday, June 10th.—Messrs. Meldola and W. Cole. Monday, June 12th— Messrs. D'Oyley, H. A. Cole, and W.Cole. Tuesday, June 13th.—Mr. H. A. Cole. Wednesday, June 14th. — General Pitt-Rivers, Messrs. H. A. Cole and B. G. Cole. (Inspection of the work done during the preceding thirteen days.) The work during the week, Monday, August 14th to Saturday, August 19th, was watched by Messrs. D'Oyley, B. G. Cole, H. A. Cole, and W. Cole, no other members of the Committee putting in an appearance.