Acer, inflorescence of, xiv.
Algae, marine, study of, lxv.
Anacharis alsinastrum, xliii.
Anas clypeata, v.
Animals, protection of, ii.
Annual General Meeting, third,
Argynnis euphrosyne, aberration of,
Barking Side, Shoveller at, v.
Bee, nest of, inside bird's-nest, xix.
Bees, dead under lime trees, lxxviii,
lxxix; effect of certain flowers
upon, lxxix.
Billericay, tumulus near, xxxiv.
Birds, protection of, ii; inter-
changing eggs and young of, xciv.
Bombus pratorum, and allied species,
habits of, xix.
Botanical Investigation in Essex,
Boulger, G. S., on Woolwich Beds,
iv; on Botanical Investigation
in Essex, vii; on Rhizocarpeae,
lxxvi, xcvii; on geological eleva-
tions, lxxxvii; on supposed
protective resemblance among
Mollusca, xciii.
British Association, grant from,
British Museum (Natural History),
visit to, vii, xviii.
Brooks, H., on old chalk-workings
at Grays, xxxiv.
Bulimus obscurus, white variety of,
Camp at Wallbury, v, vi.
Carex pseudo-cyperus at Wanstead,
Cecidomyia inflexa in Essex, lxxviii.
Cecidomyia viola in Essex, lxiv.
Celt, chipped, found at Enfield, xiv.
Chelmsford, plants found near, xiii.
Chigwell, visit to, xli.
Christy, R. M., on prehensile
seeds, lxxxii; on species of genus
Primula in Essex, lxxxiv; on
supposed protective resemblance
among Mollusca, xcii; on white
varieties of Mollusca, xciii; on
interchanging eggs and young of
birds, xciv.
Cimex, species of, xxiv.
Clausilia, supposed protective
resemblance among, xcii.
Cochlicopa lubrica and tridens,white
varieties of, xciii.
Cole, W., on drainage of Wanstead
Flats, xiv; on species of Cimex,
xxiv ; on Martins and Sparrows,
xxv; history and literature of
deneholes, xxviii; preliminary
report on Loughton Camp, li; on
bees dead under lime trees,
lxxviii; on Eupithecia nanata,
Colias edusa in Essex, lxxxvi.
Cooke, M. C., on parasites of
Vaucheria, xlvii; on fungi, new
to Epping Forest, lxxxvi.
Cortinarius renidens, lxi.
Cowper, B. H., papers on Loughton
Camp, lii; discovery of, lii.
Cowper's Camp, exploration of, see
Loughton Camp.
Croft, R. B., notes on River Lea,
Crombie, Rev. J. M., on lichens of
Epping Forest, lxv.
Crouch, W., on Shoveller, v ; on
Luxborough House, xliii.
Cryptogamic meeting, third annual,
Cynoglossum officinale, seeds of,
Daisy, fasciated, xiii.
Darwin, C, death of, xi, xii,