cii Index. Deneholes, visits to, Hangman's Wood, xxviii, xxxv, lvi; litera- ture of, xxix ; earliest notice of, xxix; probably visited in search of treasure, xxix; companies formed to work them as supposed gold mines, xxx ; early measure- ments of, xxx; visit to in 1818, xxxi; described in 1867, xxxii; antiquities found, xxxii; number and position, xxxiii; probable uses of, xxxiv, xxxviii, xxxix, xl; purity of air in, xxxvii; paper on, by T. V. Holmes, lxxxiii; picks used in formation of, lxxxiv; permission to excavate, lxxxiv; donations to exploration fund, lxxxv. Derham, Dr., quoted on deneholes, xxx. Du Port, Canon, on Epping Forest fungi, lxi. Enfield, chipped celt found at, xiv. English, J., on Scaup Duck, iv; on Sparrows, xxv. Entrance Fee, proposed, xcix. Epping Forest, preservation of, ii, iii, xcviii; Oak-Hill Enclosure, x, xi; drainage of Wanstead Flats, xiv ; flake from Woodredon Hill, xiv; declared free and open by the Queen, xviii; exploration of Loughton Camp, xxviii, li, lxxxii; conference with Verderers as to management of, xxviii; signature of final award and official map, li; new and rare fungi from, lxi, lxxxvi; Infusoria from, lxiii; lichens of, lxv ; fungi from Chingford, lxxvi. Eupithecia nanata, lxxxvii. Fairy Rings, lxix. Fasciated daisy, xiii. Fauna, ancient, of Essex, xviii. Field Meetings, &c, vii, x, xviii, xxviii, xli, lvi, lxi. Fitch, E. A., on Cecidomyia violae; lxiv. Fuligula marila, iv. Fungi as food, lxxiii. Gall on Broom, lxxvii. Galls new to Britain, lxiv, lxxvii. Geum rivale, seeds of, lxxxii. Gibbs, J., on definite inflorescences, vi; on inflorescence of Vinca minor, vi; on seedlings of Ranun- culus ficaria, xiii; on plants found near Chelmsford, xiii; on inflorescence of Acer, xiv; on relations to each other of several forms of inflorescence, lxxxviii. Gould, F. C, on Martins and Sparrows, xxvi. Grays, old chalk workings at, xxxiv. Hallingbury, Little, pottery, &c., from, v. Harcourt, G. C, donation of pre- served flowers, i. Harting, J. E., on Martins and Sparrows, xxiii. Harwood, W. H., on Lepidoptera of Maldon, xxvii. Holmes, E. M., on Zygodon forsteri in Essex, lxii; on study of Marine Algae, lxv. Holmes, T. V., on deneholes, xxxviii, xl, lxxxiii, lxxxiv. Honorary Members, ii, xcviii. Houblon, A., on camp at Wallbury, v. Hounds-tongue, seeds of, lxxxii. Hydrachnidae, study of, xliv. Inflorescence of Vinca minor, vi; of Acer, xiv. Inflorescences, definite, vi; relations to each other of several forms of, lxxxviii. Infusoria from Epping Forest, lxiii. Jervoise, Sir J. C, on Martins and Sparrows, xxv. Kensington, South, visit to, vii. Kent, W. S., on Hydrachnidae, xliv; on parasites of Vaucheria, xlvii; on Infusoria from Epping Forest, lxiii. Lambert, Rev. B., on deneholes, lix. Lea, River, notes on, lxxx. Lemna gibba, flowering of, xlviii. Lepidoptera, of Maldon, xxvii; aberrations of, lxxxv. Letchford, R., on preservation of Epping Forest, iii; on Sparrows, xxiv. Leyton, Woolwich Beds at, iii, iv, lxxx, lxxxi. Lichens of Epping Forest, lxv. Life-slide, new form of, xlix. Limenitis sibylla, xxvii. Lister, A., on parasitism of Rotifers in cysts on Vaucheria, xlv; on Carex pseudo-cyperus and flowering of Lemna gibba in Wanstead Park, xlviii.