viii Appendix No. 2. hope that the statements and reasoning therein contained will carry con- viction, and instil something of the "quality of mercy" towards our dumb companions into the minds and hearts of game-keepers, land- owners, and those having the custody of open spaces. The dismal picture of another railway will haunt the minds of well- wishers of the Forest during the next few months, the Great Eastern Company having resolved to push on their Bill for a line from Chingford to High Beach, across a portion of this beautiful woodland, during the ensuing Session of Parliament. The Society will be afforded an oppor- tunity of expressing its opinion on the matter at the annual meeting. The Council cannot permit Mr. Meldola to vacate the chair he has so ably filled during the three years' existence of the Club without publicly expressing its deep sense of the services he has rendered to the Society. Much of the success of the Club has been due to the earnest and scientific tone imparted to its discussions and operations by the President, and Mr. Meldola's courteous and constant attention to the very exacting claims of his office has been beyond praise. His various addresses at the meetings have afforded valuable guidance in the past as to the action and methods of the Society, and the Council is assured that nothing could more conduce to the future prosperity and usefulness of the Club than a steady adherence to the scientific aims and firmness of purpose so uniformly advocated by the retiring President. The Council has again pleasure in thanking Miss Jane Cole and Mr. H. A. Cole for the use of the rooms occupied by the Club. Although not a matter officially connected with the Society, the Council is of opinion that the kindness of those members who have afforded means to supply tea, coffee, and light refreshment at the ordinary meetings deserves grateful notice. Many of the members coming from long distances to attend the meetings have much appre- ciated this thoughtful attention. PAST PRESIDENT. 1880—82. RAPHAEL MELDOLA, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., M.A.I., &c,