xii Appendix No. 2. Rural Deanery of Chesterton, County of Cambridge, and Diocese of Ely. Small 8vo. London, 1876. [From the Author.] Walker, Rev. E. A. L'Orient: or, a Journal of my Tour in the East, March 1st—June30th, 1882. 8vo. London, 1882. [From the Author.] Weston, James. The Fresh-water Aquarium. 8vo. London, 1881. [From Mr. T. F. Unwin. ] Withering, William. An Arrangement of British Plants, according to the latest Improvements of the Linnaean System; with an easy Introduction to the Study of Botany. Sixth edition. Four vols. 8vo. London, 1818. [From Mr. W. Cole.] Zoologist. Third series. Vol. vi. 8vo. London, 1882. [From Mr. R. L. Barnet.] Pamphlets. Vol. iv. Geology. 8vo. Contents: Crosskey, Rev. H. W. Ninth Report of the Committee for According Erratic Blocks. (Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1881.) ----------. Tenth ditto. (Ib., 1882.) Dakyns, J. R. Glacial Beds at Bridlington. Leeds, 1879. ----------. On Silurian Erratics in Wharfedale. Leeds. [1877.] Etheridge, Robert. Address to the Geological Section of the British Association. (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1882.) Foster, C le Neve. On the Occurrence of Cobalt Ore in Flintshire. (Trans. Roy. Geol. Soe., Cornwall, 1881.) Jukes-Browne, A. J. The Post-Tertiary Deposits of Cambridge- shire. Cambridge and London, 1878. Lamplugh, G. W. On the Divisions of the Glacial Beds in Filey Bay. Leeds, 1879. Morris, Professor J. A List of British Fossils, stratigraphically and zoologically arranged. London, n.d. ----------. Geological Notes on Parts of Northampton and Lincolnshires. (Geol. Mag., 1869.) ----------. On the Genus AEchmodus from the Lias of Lyme Regis. (Ib.) ----------. The Lead-bearing Districts of the North of England. (Ib.) ----------. The Physical Structure of the London Basin, considered in its relation to the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Watford. (Trans. Watford Nat. Hist. Soe., 1876.) Peach, B. N., and John Horne. The Glaciation of the Shetland Isles. (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 1879.) Ricketts, Dr. C. On Split and other Boulders. (Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc, 1880—81.) Rutot, M. A. Compte Rendu de l'Excursion de la Societe Geologique de Belgique dans les Environs de Bruxelles, 5—7 Sept., 1880. Liege, 1.881. ----------. Sur la Position stratigraphique des Restes de Mammiferea Terrestres recueillis dans les Couches de l'Eocene de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1881. Teale, J. J. H. The Potton and Wicken Phosphatic Deposits. Cam- bridge and London, 1875. Ussher, W. A. E. On the Geology of Parts of Devon and West Somerset north of South Molton and Dulverton. (Proc. Somerset Arclaeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., 1879.) ----------. Pleistocene Notes on the Cornish Coast, between Plymouth and Looe. (Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc, Cornwall, 1881.)