Appendix No. 2. xvii * Copland, P. F. (Junr.), M.E.S., Hillcote, Buckhurst-hill. 1881. Cobble, George, Bridge-house, Waltham Abbey. * Corder, Henry (Hon. Secretary, Chelmsford Museum), Grove- house, Great Baddow. 1882. Cortauld, Sydney, Booking-place, Braintree. 1881. Goet, Frederic, M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., F.R.G.S., The Elms, Buckhurst-hill. 1881. Cory, F. W., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., F.M.S., The Elms, Buckhurst- hill. * Crisp, Frank, LL.B., B.A., V.-P. & Treas. L.S., M.E.S. (Secretary to the Royal Microscopical Society), 5, Lansdowne-road, Notting-hill, W. 1882. Croft, Richard B., Retired Lieutenant R.N., F.L.S., F.R.M.S. (Hon, Secretary, Hertford shire Nat. Hist. Soc), Fanham's Hall, Ware, Herts. * Crouch, Henry, F.R.M.S., Grove-hill, Woodford. 1880. Crouch, Walter, Grafton-house, Wellesley-road, Wanstead. 1880. Cutting, William M., Elm-house, Loughton. 1882. Day, George, 12, The Mount, Whitechapel, E. * Deacon, Octavius, Golding's-hill, Loughton. * Devitt, Henry. 1881. Douglas, James, Loxford-cottage, Ilford. * D'Oyley, William, Honorary Surveyor, Loughton. * Duffield, Frederick H., Cedars-road, Beckenham, Kent. *†Dunning, J. W., M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S. (President, Entomological Society), 12, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. 1881. Durrant, Edmund (Hon. Sec. Chelmsford Museum), High-street, Chelmsford. * Durrant, W. G., Whitehall-road, Woodford. 1881. Edinger, W. H., Rocklands, Palmerston-road, Buckhurst-hill. 1881. Emanuel, Frank L., 22, St. Stephen's-square, Bayswater, W. * Emery, W. Francis, 104, Liverpool-road, Islington, N. * English, James, Epping. 1880. Essex, The Right Hon. the Earl of, Cassiobury Park, Watford, Herts. 1882. Eve, Robert H., Needham-house, Maldon. 1882. Evershed, Frank, F.I.C, Atlas Works,'Hackney-wick, E. 1880. Fawcett, William, Fern-villa, Maybank-road, Woodford. 1880. Finzi, John, 105, Gower-street, W.C. * Fisher, Lionel P., South-side, Harrow, Middlesex. 1880. Fisher, William R., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, South-side, Harrow, Middlesex. * Fitch, Edward A., F.L.S. (Secretary to the Entomological Society), Vice-President, Brick-house, Maldon. 1882. Fletcher, Reginald G., Ripple, Woodford. * Forbes, William P., Evergreen-lodge, Wanstead. b