JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS AT ORDINARY, FIELD, AND OTHER MEETINGS. Tuesday, February 20th, 1883. A deputation, organised by the Club, but in reality representing many of the London Scientific Societies, Clergy, Sunday School Superin- tendents, Commoners of Epping Forest, and others interested in the welfare of the open spaces around London, waited upon our member Sir- John Lubbock, F.E.S., in the Conference Boom of the House of Commons, for the purpose of stating objections to the High Beach Bail- way scheme. The deputation was introduced by Mr. Meldola, and among the speakers were Prof. Boulger, F.L.S., Mr. C. J. Glass, Mr. F. Young, J.P., Mr. W. G. Smith, Col. Howard, J.P., Dr. M. C. Cooke, Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S., Dr. Woodward, F.E.S., Dr. Murie, Rev. J. M. Crombie, F.L.S., Mr. F. C. Gould, Mr. W. Cole, Dr. Foulerton, and others, all of whom urged the great importance in the interest of the general public, as well as in that of lovers of Nature, of the forest being kept inviolate, and in a natural, "unimproved," condition. In reply Sir John Lubbock expressed his sympathy with the objects the deputation had in view, and promised to give his careful attention to the subject. Saturday, February 24th, 1883. The thirty-sixth Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held at the Head- quarters, Buckhurst Hill, at seven o'clock, the President, Prof. Boulger, in the chair. The President briefly returned thanks to the Club for his election. Letters of thanks for election as Honorary Members were read from Prof. Richard Owen, F.E.S., and Dr. Henry Woodward, F.E.S. The donations included four volumes to the Library from Mr. W. Cole ; specimens of the Pigmy Curlew, Bed-necked Grebe, and a further instalment of specimens of Marine Algae from the Harwich coast by Mr. a