Journal, of Proceedings. lxvii " Should you be willing and able to take part in the meeting, I shall be glad to have an intimation to that effect at your early convenience. " I am, yours faithfully, " William Cole." Resolutions in favour of such an institution, and empowering a committee to appoint a deputation to wait upon the Conservators of the Forest to solicit their active co-operation in the scheme in conjunction with the Essex Field Club, were unanimously passed. The only difference of opinion was as to the special suitability of the Lodge for the purpose proposed. Among the speakers were the Chairman, Sir Fowell Buxton (Verderer), D. J. Morgan, Esq. (Verderer), Rev. W. Linton Wilson, Rev. B. D. Swallow, Rev. A. F. Russell, Prof. Boulger, J. Westhorp, Esq., and Mr. W. Cole. [The committee appointed was unable to act in the matter suggested, owing to the opposition of a high official of the Corporation who refused to entertain the scheme of a museum at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge except under conditions which the Club could not possibly accept. Subsequently proposals for the location of the Club's Library and Local Museum at Loughton have been received from the trustees of the Public Hall, and when the plans are fully matured the matter will be brought before the members of the Club and the inhabitants in the Forest districts. Meanwhile we think it right to place the above facts upon record, although the meeting was not strictly an official one.—Ed.] Saturday, December 15th, 1883.—Ordinary Meeting. The forty-fifth ordinary meeting of the Club was held at the head- quarters at 7 o'clock, the President in the Chair. Donations to the library were announced from Messrs. A. Bennett, F.L.S., H. G. Fordham, F.G.S., and B. J. Friswell, F.C.S., and thanks voted to the donors. Mr. Lewis Castle was elected a member of the Club. In accordance with the rules nominations of new members of Council and officers for 1884 were made as follows:— The following members had agreed to retire from the Council:— Messrs. H. J. Barnes, J. T. Carrington, B. Meldola and Rev. T. W. Peile. To fill the seats so rendered vacant, the following members were proposed for election into the Council, the proposals being duly seconded :—Messrs. D. Houston, F.L.S., H. J. Barnes, B. Meldola, F.R.A.S., and F. C. Gould. No other candidates having been proposed, the above stood for election at the Annual Meeting. As officers for 1884, the President, on behalf of the Council, nominated the existing officers,