cxx Journal of Proceedings. Cooke, the Rev. Canon Du Port, Mr. W. Phillips, of Shrewsbury, Mr. J. English, of Epping, and Mr. W. Cole, Hon. Sec., a thorough search was made in Monk Wood, High Beach, and other parts of the forest, with such good results that, although Fungi were scarce, as compared with some former years, hundreds of examples were brought into the large room at the " Roebuck Inn," at Buckhurst Hill, which was again the head-quarters for the meeting. Here the Secretaries and several members were busily engaged on the Friday evening and Saturday morning in making preparations for the exhibition of the specimens. The Fungi were named and arranged by Dr. Cooke, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Worthington Smith, Dr. H. T. Wharton, and Canon Du Port, assisted by other mycologists present, the party including (in addition to the botan- ists mentioned above), Dr. Flaxman Spurrell, Rev. J. M. Crombie, Prof. G. S. Boulger, Mr. T. Howse (of Guildford), Mr. Henry Groves, Mr. F. J. Hanbury, Mr. W. W. Reeves, Mr. Vaughan Jennings, and many others. The weather on the Saturday was exceedingly fine, the woods were at their best, and consequently all thoroughly enjoyed the ramble, the meteorological conditions being such an agreeable change as compared with the unpleasant downpour of rain experienced last year (ante pp. xliii.-xlv.). Mr. David Houston kindly lent a very extensive series of large wall diagrams of various types of Fungi, Alga;, Lichens, and the principal orders of Flowering plants. The numerous tables in the large room at the inn were crowded with specimens, drawings and microscopes, in addition to the long series of named specimens of fresh Fungi gathered during the two days' explorations. Among the more important exhibits were the following :—Mr. Arthur Bennett, a large collection of species of the genus Sphagnum, from Hanover ; Prof. G. S. Boulger, collection of Essex flowering plants ; diagrams of Rhizocarpae ; Mr. Miller Christy, a collection of the Essex species of Primula, with many aberrations, in illustration of his paper in the ' Transactions ' (vol. iii., pp. 148-211) ; Rev. J. M. Crombie, the collection of Lichens of Epping Forest, upon which his paper in our 'Transactions' was founded (Trans., vol. iv., pp. 50-75); Mr, James English, a collection of the Mosses of Epping Forest; Messers. H and J. Groves, British specimens of Bratrachium ; Mr. J. T. Powell, a collec- tion of British Grasses, and specimens of rare Essex plants; Mr. John Waller, a collection of Mosses, containing some Essex specimens ; Mr. A. P. Wire, an old Herbarium of sixty years ago, containing some rare species ; and many other single specimens of botanical interest, A very large number of microscopes were contributed by Mr. C Thomas, Mr. F. Oxley, Mr. R. Letchford, Mr. A. P. Wire. Mr. R. Paulson, Prof. Boulger, Mr. W. Cole, Mr. W. H. Beeby, Mr. J. S Stacey, Mr. W T. Christian, Mr: C. Livingstone,Mr. W.Forster, Mr, J. A. McKenzie, Mr. W. A. Martin, and many other members, not only of the Club, but of other microscopical