Journal of Proceedings. cxxiii printed in Latin, and chiefly without illustrations. Some of the younger men, who now have every possible advantage, are apt to forget the great difficulties of making the first start. Thirty years ago only four or five persons in this country knew anything about fungi. The Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Mr. C. Edmund Broome, and the late Mr. Fredk. Currey were the chief authorities in those times; the two former gentlemen we happily still have with us." Mrs. Yeates kindly sent her telescope, which was set up on the terrace of the inn, and enabled many to obtain a good view of the total eclipse of the moon, the sky being cloudless. And so ended a very successful meeting. Exploration of the Deneholes in Hangman's Wood, near Grays Thurrock, Essex. October 13th to November 10TH, 1884. In May, 1881, Mr. Worthington Smith and Mr. W. Cole strongly urged that some steps should be taken to explore the curious Deneholes existing in Hangman's Wood, near Grays. (Journal Proc. E.F.C. ii., p. xviii.) In 1882 visits were made to the open pits, of which full reports have already been given (Proc. iii., pp. xxviii.-xli., and pp. lvi.-lx.), and at the meeting of the Club on October 28th, in the same year, it was resolved to undertake the work of exploration. A committee was con- stituted by a resolution of the Council on March 31st, 1883, consisting of the following gentlemen :—T. V. Holmes, F.G.S., M.A.I. (Chairman of the Committee), Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.G.S., F.L.S., Herbert E. Brooks, B. G. Cole, W. Cole, E. A. Fitch, F.L.S., Prof. Flower, F.R.S., A. Lockyer, Prof. B. Meldola, F.R.S., N. F. Roberts, F.G.S., F. W. Rudler, F.G.S., Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S., F. 0. J. Spurrell, F.G.S., C. Thomas, F.G.S., Henry Walker, F.G.S., A. R. Wallace, F.L.S., and the Rev. W. Linton Wilson, M.A. An illustrated circular giving details of the proposed explorations and a large amount of information respecting deneholes, together with an appeal for funds, was issued by the Committee. Promises of subscrip- tions amounting to over £100 were thus obtained. The entire control of the work was given to Mr. T. V. Holmes and Mr. W. Cole. Accordingly, on October 13th, the actual work was commenced, and was continued each working day until November 10th. The explorers took lodgings at Grays, so as to be near the workings, and they were greatly assisted by Mr. Miller Christy and Mr. H. A. Cole. Mr. Shipman, of Grays, acted as foreman to the workmen, of whom at first four were employed, and then six and eight as the necessity arose. Messrs. Brooks, Shoobridge Sc Co. aided by procuring suitable tackle for the work, a " crab," rope, and wheel-barrow, picks, &c, and nearly £7 worth of timber was purchased.