cxxxii Journal of Proceedings. ladder or by a rope. A rice pit was accordingly a safe prison without help from above. " 3. They are scattered about close to the houses, of which all possess one or more. " 4. Many, no doubt, are of considerable antiquity, but it would be difficult to give any exact date, probably impossible, from the absence of all written records. " 5. I have never heard of their being used voluntarily as dwellings, but they were frequently used as places of shelter from danger or perse- cution ; and often as places of punishment for certain crimes; people were fastened into a pit, and boiling water poured over them. " 6. They only occur, I believe, where there is, or has been a human habitation. " As I am hoping to be soon again in Madagascar, I shall make further inquiry into this and many other subjects, and if I discover anything of interest I will not fail to communicate it to you." On the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. Meldola, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Holmes and Mr. Cole for their con- tinuous exertions in the endeavour to solve the problem of the Deneholes, and for the Report presented. The meeting (at a late hour) resolved itself into the usual conversa- zione, at which objects were exhibited by the Exploration Committee, by Mr. W. Oldham (wrought stones and flints, old glass, Roman imple- ments, &c., lately found near Wisbech); by Mr. Sidney Webb (Red Crag Fossils from Walton-on-Naze), and others. Saturday December 20th, 1884. Ordinary Meeting. The fifty-fourth Ordinary Meeting was held in the Public Hall Loughton, at seven o'clock, the President in the chair. The following were elected members :—Mrs. Boby, Messrs. W. Barley, Edmund Egan, W. H. Topham, J. Hanks, Oswald Osborne, Charles Phillips, F.C.S., T. B. Cusack Smith, and A. Rivers Steele. In accordance with the Rules, nominations of new Members of the Council and Officers for 1885 were made as follows:—The following members had agreed to retire from the Council: Mr. R. L. Barnes, Mr. Hildebrand Ramsden, Mr. N. F. Robarts, and Mr. T. Fisher Unwin ; the last two offering themselves for re-election. To fill the seats so rendered vacant, the following members were proposed for re-election into the Council, the proposals being duly seconded :—Mr. G. C. Champion, Mr. N. F. Robarts, F.G.S., Mr. Thomas Royle, F.C.S., and Mr. T. Fisher Unwin. No other members being proposed, the above stood for re-election at the annual meeting. The Council nominated as Officers for the ensuing year :—As Pre- sident. Mr. Thomas Vincent Holmes. F.G.S., M.A.I., &c. ; Treasurer, Mr. A. Johnston, J.P., D.L. ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. W. Cole; Assistant Hon. Secretary, Mr. B. G. Cole ; Librarian, Mr. A. Lockyer.