cxxxviii Journal of Proceedings. taken in drawing up their very complete and accurate account of the earthquake. [The Report was published as a " Special Memoir " of the Club, London, 1885, pp. x. and 224, with plates and illustrations.] The usual conversazione concluded the meeting, at which Messrs. Damant and Oldham exhibited photographs of the effects of the earth- quake, and Mr. Sidney Webb a collection of about fifty typical fossils from the Bed Crag at Walton-on-Naze. Wednesday, March 11th, 1885. Special Meeting. A Special Meeting was called by the Secretary on behalf of the Council at the Headquarters of the Club, 3, St. John's Terrace, Buck- hurst Hill, at 7.30, for the purpose of considering the alterations in and additions to the Rules, of which he had given notice in the circular calling the Annual Meeting (ante pp. cxxxiv-v). The chair was taken by the President. The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting, and proposed, on behalf of the Council, the following resolutions :— In Rule I. the first two clauses to stand thus : —"The Society shall be called 'The Essex Field Club'; its Head Quarters shall be in the County of Essex." In Rule III., the addition of words necessary to appoint an " Assistant Librarian.'' After Rule III. the addition of a new Rule as follows:—"Former Presidents, and future retiring Pre- sidents shall hold office during membership of the Club as Permanent Vice-Presidents, such Permanent Vice-Presidents to be ex-officio members of the Council, and to be eligible to hold any office in the Club." After Rule IV. the insertion of the following Rule:—" Certain Members, not more than three in each town or district may be nominated by the Council to act as ' Corresponding Members' or ' Recorders .' The names and addresses of such Corresponding Members shall be printed with the list of Officers, and their duties shall be to record the occurrence of rare animals, plants, the exposure of interesting geological sections, &c.; to communicate to the Head-Quarters any information likely to be useful to the Society; to aid in the organization of Field Meetings; and generally to watch over the welfare and progress of the Club in their Districts." In Rule VI., to append to the first sentence the words, " and every candidate for election shall sign an undertaking to abide by the Mules, if elected (see Appendix)," and to expunge from the Rule some now obsolete words. In Rules VII. and IX., the addition of words neces- sary to impose an Entrance-fee of 10s. (id. on all future admissions into the Club. In Rule X., to strike out the words " a copy of all publications of the Club during his or her membership," substituting the following words:—" Gratuitously a copy of the Transactions issued during his or her membership, and extra publications of the Club at such reduced rate as may be determined by the Council." In Rule XXII., to substitute for the words " held at the Head-Quarters of the Club " at the end of the first sentence, the words " held in the County of Essex." And through- out the Rules the addition or excision of the words rendered necessary by the above mentioned revisions.