Journal of Proceedings. cxli These latter were exhibited under microscopes kindly brought by Mr. F. Oxley, Mr. Letchford, Mr. Christian, Mr. Walter Crouch, Mr. F. W. Elliott, and Mr. Livingstone.* Mr. Rowe pointed out that these rocks did not belong to Essex, but must have been introduced by the glacier which covered the county in the Glacial Period. After dealing with the evidence of the direction of glacial current, he passed on to give details of the structure of the rocks and to compare them with the structure of similar rocks in the Midland Counties of England, in the North and North-Western Counties of England, in the northern parts of Scotland, and in Norway and Sweden. He came to the conclusion that they had been brought from Scandinavia. The President, Mr. White, Mr. Robarts, and Mr. Meldola took part in the discussion which followed the reading of the paper (mainly concern- ing the direction from which the Drift flow had traversed the county), for which a cordial vote of thanks was given to Mr. Rowe. The Hon. Secretary then read a paper by Mr. J. C. Shenstone, F.R.M.S., on " Additional Notes on the Flora of the Neighbourhood of Colchester." The paper was supplemental to that read by him before the Club at their Field Meeting at Colchester and Mersea on the 24th of May last year. Mr. Shenstone announced that he was able to record four plants not previously known in that neighbourhood, among them being the true samphire, which, however, he regarded as an introduction. [See ' Essex Naturalist,' vol. i., pp. 22-35.] Mr. Cole made some remarks upon the introduction of Claytonia perfoliata into Essex in recent years. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Shenstone, and the meeting resolved itself into the usual conversazione, at. which, in addition to the exhibits already referred to, Mr. F. Challis showed some rock specimens from Chelmsford, and Mr White a collection of South African Lepidop- tera, containing some very scarce forms. Saturday, April 18th, 1885. Field Meeting in the East Ham and Barking Districts. Mr. and Mrs. Royle having kindly asked the Club to visit them at West Ham, advantage was taken to hold a Field Meeting in the neigh- bourhood, under the conductorship of Mr. Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., Mr. Henry Walker, F.G.S., and Mr. W. Cole. Conveyances were in attend- ance at Stratford Station at half-past two, many members coming in drags from Buckhurst Hill, Woodford, Snaresbrook, &c, the assembled party being a very large one. Driving past West Ham Church and through West Ham Park, looking quite beautiful with first burst of Spring, way was taken along Green * Mr. Rowe's paper was subsequently withdrawn and published in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society ' for August, 1887, pp. 351-363, under the title of " On the Rocks of the Essex Drift."—Ed.