Journal of Proceedings. cxlv Just beneath the central window are two small brasses—one to Robert Rampston, of Chingford, dated 1585, who was a benefactor to this and divers other parishes, and one in Roman lettering; to William Johnson ' who came into the world the 18th of June, 1631, and went out the 24th of the same.' On the south side of the apse, and between the windows, is a monument to William Heigham and his wife, 1612, 1620. On the soffite of the arch is a small one to Marie Heigham, ' a rare and hopeful child, not fully eight years of age, who died in 1621.' On the south spandrel of the chancel arch, facing the nave, one to Elizabeth Heigham, 1622, and beneath, on the floor, a brass effigy of the same Elizabeth, daughter of James Harvey,* of Wangye House, Barking, and wife of Richard Heigham, 1622 ; and on the south wall above, one to Heigham Bendish, Esq., 1723. Close to this are to be seen the tilting helmet, and beneath it the horse's head—the crest of the Heighams. All these memorials are adorned with coloured shields of arms, and represent a branch of the old family of Heighams, baronets, descended from the Lord Chief Baron Sir Clement Heigham, of Barrow Hall, County Suffolk. I may here mention that the font, a small white marble basin on pedestal, was given by Sir Richard Heigham, Knight, in 1639, and that his arms are upon it with an inscription round the rim.† On the floor is yet another brass with arms and effigy of Hester Neve, with a ruff and perky little hat—the vartvovs, loveinge and obedyent wife of Frances Neve,' who died in 1610. Ou the north chancel wall a large monument to Giles Breame, with alabaster kneeling effigies of himself and lady, with shields of arms, &c., who died in 1621. He was the grandson of Richard Breame, to whom the manor of East Ham was granted by King Henry VIII., after the dissolution of the Abbey of Stratford Langthorne, and was a great benefactor to the parish, and gave the almshouses for six poor men. It is worth mentioning here that this Giles Breame (probably before his father's death) lived at Uphall in 1591. and for several years after. Beneath on the floor is an inscription to Cecilia Bendish—youngest daughter of Heigham Bendish—who died 1766. On the north wall of the nave are monumental inscriptions to Geo. Higginson, 1763 ; Mr. Samuel Moates, of Woodhouse, 1832 ; the Countess Poulett, daughter of Ynyr Burgess, who died 1838 ; and one ' In memory of Rev. Wm. Streatfeild, who died whilst preaching on Sunday evening, 27th May, 1860. He was vicar of this parish for thirty-two years.' On the south wall are memorials of the Collyers, 1858 and 1850 ; of Ynyr Burgess (1792), and his son-in-law, Sir John Smith Burgess, Bart., of Havering Bower, who was buried in this churchyard in 1803. His widow, Margaret, married in 1816, John, 4th Earl Poulett, and also survived him. Besides these are several inscriptions on the floor, and many interesting ones in the churchyard, including the Morleys' of Green Street House. On the north side of the churchyard have been but few burials, owing to the superstition attaching to this position ; but far away under the hedge is an armorial stone to mark the resting-place of Dame Cecilia, widow of Sir Nicolas Garrard, Bart., of Green Street House, who was buried here in 1753, at her own desire. In this portion of God's acre are also laid the remains of the Rev. Joseph Sims, vicar of the parish, who died in 1776, and his wife 1768; and close by the mortal tenement of his great friend, the eminent antiquary, Dr. Stukeley, who died in 1765, and by his own desire was laid herewith the turf smoothly * In the will of James Harvey, of Wangye, 1627, he leaves "to my son John Harvey, Lease for 1,000 years of March grounds in East Ham which I bought of Francis Bacon, Esq., since Viscount St Albans." † These were published from drawings by Mr. Crouch, with the Heigham Pedigrees, in 'The Visitation of the County of Suffolk,' 1868. k