clxxvi Journal of Proceedings. Dr. H. T. Wharton, M.A., F.Z.S., read a paper entitled " The Uses of Fungi" [printed in the ' Essex Naturalist,' vol. i, pp. 190-196]. Dr. Cooke reported on the species of Fungi new to the Epping Forest lists, of which twelve had been identified Quite p. clxxiv.), and said that in spite of the dry weather, which was so prejudicial to the growth of fungi, they could congratulate themselves on having done fairly well, and the exertions of the members had brought together a very interesting collection. Mr. Worthington G. Smith read a paper on " Some Botanical Mare's- nests—chiefly Fungological." [' Journal of Horticulture' for Oct., 1891.] Cordial votes of thanks were passed to the readers of the papers, and to the conductors and exhibitors to whose kindness the success of the meeting was so largely due, and the meeting concluded with a conversa- zione, at which over 200 members and friends were present. [On October 24th, the Hackney Microscopical Society held their usual Fungus Foray in the Forest. Dr. Cooke reported that the number of species noticed was a little in excess of the record of last year, but that very few additions were made to the Flora of the Forest, as ascer- tained in former years. The most noteworthy species gathered were Ag aridus squarrosus var. verruculosus, Cortinarius argentatus, C. satur- ninus, and Russula vesca. It was remarked that the paucity of species and individuals observed elsewhere during the season obtained in the Forest; white-spored Agarics were particularly scarce, and even the ubiquitous Agaricus melleus had comparatively few representatives. Fistulina hepatica, Hydnum repandum, and Cantharellus cibarius, were not to be found at all.] Saturday, October 31st, 1885. Ordinary Meeting. The sixty second Ordinary Meeting was held at the Loughton Public Hall, at half-past six, Mr. T. V. Holmes, President, in the chair. The following were elected members of the Club :—Messrs. Primrose McConnell. F.H.A.S.. T. P. Newman. F.L.S., F.E.S.. Thomas Simpson, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., T. Guppy-Volckman. W. Volckmari, and C. Rotherham Walker, M.D. Thanks were voted to the donors of books and pamphlets for the Library. Prof. Meldola referred to a report in the ' Leeds Mercury' statins' that the earthquake shock of April 22nd. 1884, had registered itself on the tracing paper of a recording barometer of that town (sec 'Report ou the East Anglian Earthquake,' pp. 213-215). Mr. E. A. Fitch sent for exhibition some specimens of the very curi- ous "Birds'-nest Fungus" (? Cyathus vernicosus), belonging to the order Nidulariacei, which had been found commonly by Mr. R. M. Christy at Roxwell, Essex.