Journal of Proceedings. clxxxi The Secretary exhibited, on behalf of Mr. Miller Christy, some additional specimens of the Bird's-Nest Fungus (Nidularia), referred to at last meeting. Mr. J. C. Smith, of Sandford Mill, near Chelmsford, sent for ex- hibition a number of filberts gathered a few days since in his garden. Mr. Smith wrote : "It will be seen that they have been attacked by some creature, and that the kernels have been eaten. This is the work of the Common Blue Tit, which I have observed at work on them. The birds, taking advantage of the greenness and softness of the shell on the north side of the nut, where the shell is thinnest, may frequently be seen peeking away with their bills, with a tapping noise that is audible at some distance, until they reach the kernel, of which they eat as much as they can reach through the holes they have made." Specimens of sands from the neighbourhood of Chelmsford were exhibited on behalf of Mr. Challis. And on behalf of Mr. J. C. Shenstone, some worked stones and a stone " hammerhead" from Suffolk. Prof. Meldola having taken the chair, Mr. T. V. Holmes read a paper; " Notes on Drift Maps, with especial reference to those of Essex " [since printed in the 'Essex Naturalist,' vol. ii., pp. 21-33]. The paper was illustrated by a complete set of the Ordnance Maps of Essex, coloured to show the solid geology of the county, and also a set of Drift Maps of the greater part of Essex, and the sheets of sections belonging to the same. A short discussion ensued in which Prof. Meldola, Mr. White, and the author took part, and a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Holmes for his paper. In the absence of the author the Secretary read a short paper on " A new British Alga (Vaucheria sphaerospora) lately found at Maldon," by E. M. Holmes, F.L.S. [See 'Essex Naturalist,' vol. i., p. 151.] Specimens of the plant were exhibited under the microscope; and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Holmes for his communication. The usual conversazione followed, at which Mr. Kenworthy's collection of stone implements from the neighbourhood of Bocking and Braintree was again shown. Saturday, December 19th, 1885. Ordinary Meeting. The sixty-fourth Ordinary Meeting was held in the Loughton Public Hall, at half-past six o'clock, the President in the chair. Mrs. Wall was elected a member. Donations to the Library were announced, and thanks voted to the donors. The " Report on the East Anglian Earthquake of April 22nd, 1884,"