clxxxii Journal of Proceedings. by Prof. E. Meldola and Mr. W. White, being the first volume of the Club's ' Special Memoirs,' was on the table. The Secretary read a letter from the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, thanking the Club for having undertaken the publication of a complete report on the Earthquake of 1884. In accordance with the Rules, new members of the Council and the officers for 1886 were nominated preparatory to the Annual General Meeting. The following agreed to retire from the Council :—Mr. R. M. Christy, Mr. G. T. Godwin, Mr. W. G. S. Smith, and Mr. F. C. Gould ; the last named gentleman offering himself for re-election. To fill the seats so rendered vacant, the following members were proposed for election into the Council :—Mr. F. C. Gould, Mr. E. B. Knobel, F.G.S. (See. Royal Astronomical Society), Mr. Alfred Lockyer (Retiring from Librarianship), and Mr. A. P. Wire. No other members being proposed, these four gentlemen consequently stand for election at the Annual Meeting. The following members are recommended by the Council for election as officers, for 1886:— President, Thomas Vincent Holmes, F.G.S., M.A.I., &c. ; Treasurer, Andrew Johnston, J.P., D.L. ; Secretary, William Cole, F.E.S. ; Assistant Secretary, Benjamin G. Cole; Librarian, Patrick F. Copland. The Secretary alluded to the retirement of Mr. Lockyer from the office of Librarian to the Club, which he had filled for five years, and stated that, in addition to his excellent work as Librarian, Mr. Lockyer had been of great assistance to him in arranging and preparing the MSS. of the ' Transactions' for the press. No suitable candidate having been put forward for the post of Assistant-Librarian, it was agreed to leave it open for the present. Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S., F.Z.S., then delivered a lecture on "The Migration of Birds," illustrating his remarks by a series of maps and diagrams. A long and interesting discussion ensued, in which the President, Mr. F. 0. Gould, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Bros, Mr. White, and the lecturer took part. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Harting for his able and interesting lecture. The meeting concluded with the customary conversazione. Saturday, January 30th, 1886. Ordinary Meeting and Sixth Annual General Meeting. The sixth Annual General Meeting was held in the Loughton Public Hall, the President, Mr. T. V. Holmes, in the chair. Previous to the General Meeting au Ordinary Meeting (the sixty-fifth)