Journal of Proceedings. clxxxv facts upon which our knowledge of British Ethnology is based. He thought that the members of the Club were to be congratulated both on their President and on the admirable Address with which they had been favoured. Mr. White, in seconding the motion, spoke of the great services which had been rendered by Mr. Lockyer, who, unfortunately for the Club, was relinquishing the office of Librarian. The President. Mr. Lockyer and Mr. Cole briefly replied. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Letchford for his services as Auditor. Refreshments were served as usual at the close of the meeting. Saturday, February 27th, 1886. Ordinary' Meeting. The sixty-sixth Ordinary Meeting was held in the Public Hall, Loughton, at half-past six o'clock, the President (Mr. T, V. Holmes) in the chair. Mr. Herbert Fraser was elected a member of the Club. Donations to the Library were announced, and thanks voted to the donors. Mr. J. Cl. Goodchild, F.G.S., read a paper, entitled "Notes upon some Mounds near the Estuary of the Thames" [printed in ' Essex Naturalist,' vol. i., pp. 210-218]. The paper was illustrated by numerous maps and diagrams. A long discussion followed, carried on by Mr. Holmes, Mr. White, Mr. F. C. Gould, Mr. W. Cole and Prof. Meldola, and Mr. Goodchild replied. Mr. Holmes, on behalf of the author, Mr. W. Whitaker, F.G.S., read extracts from a paper entitled " Further Notes on Essex Wells," being supplemental to a paper read before the Club in 1884 [these papers were combined and published in the ' Transactions,' vol. iv., pp. 149-170].* Cordial votes of thanks were passed to the authors, and the meeting resolved itself into the usual conversazione. Saturday, March 20th, 1880. Ordinary Meeting. The sixty-seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Club was held in the Loughton Public Hall at half-past six o'clock, Prof. R. Meldola, Vice- president, in the chair. Mrs. A. P. Wire and Mr. J. Snowdon were elected members of the Club. * By an error the date of the second paper is given as Feb. 26th, 1885, in the ' Transactions.'