cxc Journal of Proceedings. opinion no other garden in Europe, royal, or of a subject, had nearly so many scarce and valuable plants. . . . His garden was known all over Europe, and foreigners of all ranks asked, when they came hither, permission to see it." Dr. John Fothergill, F.R.S., Botanist and Physician, of Upton House, West Hah. From a Sepia engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1782. On Dr. Fothergill's death here in 1780. his friend, Dr. Lettsom, another well-esteemed botanist and physician, catalogued the stove and greenhouse plants in his garden, which was published under the title of " Hortus Uptonensis." He was a friend of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, and all the learned men and scientists of his time ; the author of many treatises on medical and botanical subjects, and amongst his other collections it is interesting' to note that, next to the Duchess of Portland, he had the best and rarest cabinet of shells in the kingdom.