Journal of Proceedings. cxci Close by the site of the old house are some of the trees which he planted, amongst which is the " Gingko " (Salisburia adiantifolia), with leaves in the form of a maidenhair fern, and which bears a spike of yellow flowers, about an inch in length. The Fothergill gold medal, of ten guineas value, was instituted soon after his death by the Medical Society of London, to preserve his name and memory green, given annually on the 8th March, the anniversary of his birthday, for the best essay on some subject of medicine or natural history. Upton House, in which he lived and died, was sold afterwards, and the name changed to Ham House. Here, in later years, lived Samuel Gurney, the brother of Mrs. Fry, and to his memory an obelisk has since been erected in the Broadway, Stratford. The house was pulled down about 1865. The portrait of Dr. Fothergill is taken from the quarto volume of his collected works, with some account of his life, by Dr. John Coakley Lettsom, 1784; and our thanks are due to Mr. Walter Crouch for the loan of the block. The old inn at Upton, a quaint gabled house, called " The Spotted Dog," is worthy of mention, as it was here in the parlour (so saith tradition) that the London merchants held their exchange during the time of the Great Plague, 1065. The members then dispersed, and a visit was paid to the Industrial and Art Exhibition, which was then on view at the Church Hall, Meeson Road. This had been chiefly promoted by the Vicar, Mr. John Meeson, J.P.,* with others, and was largely supported by all classes. About 800 exhibits of all kinds, mostly connected with the district, were brought together ; and the opening on 12th June was made by Mr. H. Ford Barclay, High Sheriff, who had lent a collection of oil and water colour paintings, including a beautiful example of Sir Edwin Landseer. R.A. Among the most important industrial contributions were from the G.E.R. works, working models of locomotive and railway appliances, and a miniature station with points, signals, and line complete. Some interesting models were lent by the Thames Ironworks Co., including a sectional one of the armour-plated corvette, " Benbow," which had just been launched. Specimens illustrating various chemical manufac- tures by Messrs. Howard and E. Cook ; deep-sea cables by the Silver- town Telegraph Co., some with incrustations of marine forms, corals, shells, &c. Every description, indeed, of industry in the district was represented : engraving, bookbinding, with birds and other specimens of natural history, fossils, antiquities, and curiosities, all of which attracted a large concourse of visitors, A visit was then made to the parish church, under the guidance of * This gentleman was elected first Major of the New Borough of West Ham on 9th November, 1886.