Journal of Proceedings. cxcix formations, he mentioned Bognor in Sussex and Lyme Regis in Dorset- shire. He had visited this last place with Mr. A, R. Wallace in 1885, and they had seen all round the coast the evidences of former landslips (some of them being historical), the great masses of material slipping seawards over the slippery beds of the Liassic Clays and then under- going erosion by the action of the sea. With reference to the growth of land by the accumulation of silt, he mentioned that this was going on at an observable rate on the shores of the Blackwater ; and he had no doubt that their Vice-president, Mr. E. A. Fitch, who owned a large farm at Maldon, would be able to supply some useful data. Professor Meldola added that the work which Mr. Topley had laid before them had been and was being carried on by a Committee of the British Association; and as this was a line of investigation in which much assistance could be rendered by local observers, he had felt it his duty as Secretary to the Corresponding Societies Committee to have this matter brought under the notice of the Essex Field Club, and nobody was better qualified to do this than the Secretary to the Sea Coasts Erosion Committee. In concluding he expressed a hope that some of the members of the Club would be able to assist in the work of the Committee, and he had no doubt that Mr. Topley would gladly supply all the necessary information to such volunteers. Mr. F. C, Gould, Mr. W. Cole and others also joined in the discussion. The Secretary announced that the first number of the ' Essex Naturalist' would be issued in January, and with it would also be sent out Part 2 of vol. iv. of the ' Transactions,' completing the old series, with the exception of a part of the ' Proceedings' still to be com- piled and printed.* Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, as usual. Saturday, January 29th, 1887. Annual General Meeting and Ordinary Meeting. The seventh Annual General Meeting was held in the Public Hall, Loughton, at seven o'clock, Mr. T. V. Holmes, President, in the chair. The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Council for 1886, and Dr. Cory, one of the Auditors road the Treasurer's Statement of Account (see Appendices). After some slight discussion, the Report and State- ment were unanimously adopted. The Secretary read a statement of receipts and payments in con- nection with the "Tea Fund," showing a deficit of £2 6s. 6d. In accordance with notice given at the last melting, Mr. W. Cole proposed, and Dr. Cory seconded, the following alteration in Rule VI. : Te strike out the words " Librarian and Assistant-Librarian," and substitute the words " Three Librarians.'' Carried. * The part alluded to was, of course, the conclusion of the present volume, now completed.—[Ed., 1891.]