cc Journal of Proceedings. Mr. Cole also proposed, and Rev. W. Linton Wilson seconded, the following alteration in Rule VIII. : The last sentence to be altered to read thus: " The Certificate shall be read from the chair at the Ordinary Meeting following its receipt by the Secretary, or published in the next succeeding number of the ' Essex Naturalist,' and the Candidate balloted for at the next following Meeting (not being a Field Meeting), one black ball in six to exclude." Carried. The new members of Council nominated at the last meeting (ante, p cxcvii.) were declared to be elected, and on a ballot for election of officers, those nominated at the last meeting were also declared by the Scrutineers (Messrs. Oldham and C. Ridley) to have been unanimously elected. The President then read his Annual Address : " The Past and Future of the Essex Field Club" [printed in ' Essex Naturalist,' vol. i., pp. 64-82]. A vote of thanks to the President for his able and useful Address was moved by Professor R. Meldola and seconded by Dr. Cory, and carried by acclamation. In returning thanks, Mr. Holmes alluded to the services of Mr, Johnston, the Treasurer for several years, who had retired from office that evening. He had great pleasure in proposing that the best thanks of the Club be offered to Mr. Johnston for his services as Treasurer. The vote was seconded by Mr. Walter Crouch, and carried unani- mously. A vote of thanks was also passed to Captain Lee for his labours in connection with the Treasurer's office. Mr. White and Mr. Hutchinson proposed a vote of thanks to the other officers, which was carried. A vote of thanks was also passed to Dr. Cory and Mr. E. T. Stringer for their services as Auditors. An Ordinary Meeting (the seventy-fourth) was held for the proposal and election of members. Mr. R. B. Boswell, M.A., was elected a member. Tea and coffee, &c, was served as usual at the conclusion of the meeting. SUPPLEMENT I. Notes on the Ancient Cemetery at Saffron Walden. by t. v. holmes, f.g.s., m.a.i. [The following notes, referred to in the above reports, p. lxxxvii, were communicated to the Editor soon after the visit to Saffron Walden, and will most usefully appear in this place.] Saffron Walden being an Essex Town, and having been the scene of the Easter Excursion of the Essex Field Club this year, it occurs to me