Index. ccxi Essex " (Address), lxxvi ; Pre- sidential Address, 1885,cxxxiv ; on " Mosses and their allies" (Paper read), clxxviii ; Bay, Domestic Life of, at Black Not- ley, clix ; Retirement from Pre- sidency, cxxxiv-v ; Permanent Vice-President, cxxxix ; on Utri- cularia, ii, cviii. Box Hill, visit to, xxvi; geology and flora of, xxvii. British Association, election of Club as corresponding Society of, clxxv, cxcii; Report of Con- ference of Local Societies, clxxx; Corresponding Societies, cxcvi, cxcix. British Ethnology, Notes on evi- dence bearing upon (Paper read), clxxxiv. British Museum, visit to Bird Gal- leries, xcii; visit to, clxxxvi. Britten, James, on English Plant names, xvi. Bros, W. Law, refers to Roach Smith's letter in ' Essex Times,' lx. Buckhurst Hill, fossils from Lon- don Clay at, lxxviii. Buckthorn near Epping, cviii. Butcher's Broom in fruit, lxxviii. Buxton, Alfred, Geological Col- J lections, xxvi. Buxton, Fowell, entertains the Club, xxvi. Buxton, E. N., Presides at Meet- ing re Local Museum, lxvi. Buxton, Sib J. Fowell, visit to, xiv. Cambridge, Rev. 0. Pickard, Arachnida of Epping Forest (Paper read), iv. Camp at Uphall Farm, visit to, cxlviii; at Witham, clviii. Can Valley, Post-Tertiary De- posits in (Paper read), x. Cats with abnormal number of toes, cxcv; and their allies (Lecture), cxcv Cecidomyia cardaminis, gall of, exhibited, xcix ; C. taxi at Aud- ley End, lxxxiii. Cecil, Lord Eustace, Deputa- tion to. v. " Cedars," West Ham, visits to, cxlviii and clxxxvii. Cemetery at Saffron Walden, ancient, lxxxvi ; Notes on, ce. Cetacea at British Museum, De- monstration of, clxxxvi. Chalk Pits at Belton Park, Grays, visit to, cli. Chalky Boulder-clay, Flint Imple- ments from beneath, clxxviii. Challis, F., exhibits sands from Chelmsford, clxxxi. Characeae, British, presented to Club, xliv. Charlesworth, E., exhibits drawings of Natural History objects, xi. Chelmsford, Black- and Red- throated Divers from, lxxiv ; sands from, clxxxi. Chigwell, visit to " Oakhurst," cliii. Christy, Miller, Badgers in Essex, lxviii; on Black- and Red-throated Divers at Chelms- ford, 1876-77, lxxiv ; Notes on a Post-Tertiary Deposit in Can Valley (Paper read), x; Scoto- philus serotinus in Essex, iv ; Spotted Flycatcher's nest, curi- ous site of, lxxv. Christy, Miller, and E.Rosling on Transmission of Form in Hetero-styled Plants, cxxvii. Chrysanthemum, abnormal flowers of, lxxxii. Clarke, Joseph, Saffron Plant, and its connection with the name of Saffron Walden, xci ; vitality of seeds, note on, cxxix. Clarke, Joshua, visit to his house, lxxxvii. Coast-line of E. and S.E. coasts of England, alterations in (Lec- ture), cxcvii. Colchester, Castle, visit to, cix ; Conversazione at, cxviii; Dis- trict, Flowering Plants of (Paper read), c ; Flora of, cxli; and Mersea, Meeting at, cix. Cole, B. G., exhibits large Silk- producing Bombycidae, c. Cole, William, Abraxas ulmata in Epping Forest and in Essex, lxxxii; Adder, Black variety, from Epping Forest, x ; Cater- pillars of Swallow-tailed Moth exhibited, xix ; Biston, hirtaria, on abnormal specimen of, xi ; Deneholes, conducts at meeting