cciii Index. in, ci ; Deneholes, Report on Ex- ploration of (Paper read), cxxxi; Epping Forest, condition of, clxxx; Epping Forest, ancient and modern, extent of, ciii ; Epping Forest land, near Wood- ford, sale of, cxxxiv; Epping Forest, on suggested disappear- ance of insects in, cvi; Epping Forest, proposes Committee to watch schemes affecting, xii, xiii, xviii; on Epping Upland, xxxv ; Fibre balls, xix ; Loughton Camp, Report on Explorations, lvii; Local Museum, proposals for, lxvi; Marten in Epping Forest, lxv ; Nazing Common, xxxviii; Nazing and Pilgrim Fathers, xxxv-ix ; Neolithic Flakes from Waltham, Warlies Park, and Chigwell, xix ; Red Hills, cxiii-iv, Rudolphi's Rorqual in Crouch River, lxxiii; Scientific news from Essex, importance of early information respecting, lxxiii ; Spring insects, colour of, cxl; Stone Pestle from Lough- ton exhibited, cxxv ; tissues, delicate, on mounting, lxxx ; Vespa norveaica, exhibits nest of, cxxxiii. [See also Reports of Meetings.] Coleoptera in Hainault Forest, xxxiv. Commensalism, supposed, in Vespa norvegica and V. sylvestris, cxxxiii. Connaught Water, Epping Forest, Teal on, lxxviii. Conocephalus conicus from Epping Forest, lxxxii. Cooke, Dr. M. C, Alga?, Fresh- water, in Essex, xl, xlvi-vii; Reports on Fungi in Forest, 1883. xlv, do., 1884 cxxi; do., 1885, clxxvi, do., 1886, cxciv. Coots in Wanstead Park, ii. Copland, P. F., elected Librarian, clxxxiii. Copt Hall, near Epping, visit to, xiv. Corresponding Societies of British Association, clxxv. COBBY, F. W., on the use of the Hygro-spectroscope in Meteor- ology (Paper read), lxiv. Council, new members of, for 1884, lxvii; for 1885, cxxxii-ix ; for 1886, clxxxii; for 1887, cxcvii. Court Rolls of Forest of Waltham presented, ciii. Crag, fragment of, at Stebbing, xcvii. Cressing, visit to, clix. Crombie, Rev. J. M., the Lichen Flora of Epping Forest (Paper read), xii; report on the lichens of Epping Forest, cviii: exhibits specimens of Liver-wort from Epping Forest, cviii. Crouch, Walter, on Barking Church and Abbey, cxlvi; birds from Epping Forest exhibited, ci; on Eastbury House, cxlvii; on East Ham Church, cxliii; on Green Street House, cxlii; on West Ham Parish and Park, clxxxvii; on Upton Lane House and Mrs. Fry, cxlviii. Crystal Palace, visit to Geological Collections at, xcviii. CUTCHEY, G, presents Photographs of Epping Forest, xcix. Cyclical Propagation in Animal Kingdom (Paper read'), xix. Dalton, W. H., Remarks on Post- Tertiary Deposit in Can Valley (Paper read), x. Darwinian Theory, Lecture on, clxcii. Decoys, Wild-fowl, at Bradwell and Goldhanger, cxv ; at Mer- sea, cxiv. Deneholes in Hangman's Wood, Exploration of, 1884, cxxiii; Bats in, cxxix ; Discussion upon, ciii; further visit to, ci; Mis- cellaneous Notes on, lx; and their relation to other earth- works, lviii ; Report on explora- tions in, cxxxi; third visit to, xx. " Dewlands" (Ray's House), visit to, clxx. Dianthus deltoides, in Easneye Park, xxvi. Divers, Red- and Black-throated, near Chelmsford, in 1876-77, lxxiv ; in Wanstead Park, lxxvi. Drift Rocks, Crystalline, from Fel- stead, cxl.