Index. ccxiii Drift Maps of Essex (Paper read), clxxxi. Ducks, Wild, on Connaught Water, Epping Forest, lxix. Early, W., exhibits aberrant flowers of Wallflower, clvi. Earthquake of April 22nd, 1884, xcii, xciv ; district, visit to, cx, cxvii; Meeting at Maldon, xciii; Report on, ci, cxxxvii; Report published, clxxxi ; felt at Leeds, clxxvi; photographs of damage, purchased, cxix. Easneye Park, visit to, xxv ; sup- posed Denehole in, xxvi. Eastbury House, visit to, cxlvii. East Ham and Barking, visit to, cxli. East Ham Church, visit to, cxlii. Edinger, W. H., on Birds' nest in interior of Elm tree, iii. Elm-tree, Birds' nest in interior of, iii. English, J. L., Abnormal flowers of Chrysanthemum, lxxxii; birds from Epping Forest exhibited, ci; exhibits Cono- cephalus conicus from Epping Forest, lxxxii; Entomological notes from an old pocket-book, cxxv ; collection of galls from Epping Forest, cxxv ; Hainault Forest, entomology of, xxxii ; exhibits Marchantia and Utricu- laria from Epping Forest and Theydon Garnon, cviii ; Marten in Epping Forest, lxiv ; Ongar Park Woods, entomology of, cv ; presents White Stoat from Epping Forest, xcix ; Utricu- laria at Gaynes Park,ii; Xanthia gilvago from Epping, lxxxiii. Entomology of Ongar Park Woods, cv. Entomologist, John Ray as an, clxv. Epping, country N.E. of, visit to, civ; Church, visit to, xxxv; Upland, xxxv ; Xanthia gilvago at, lxxxiii ; Epping Bury and Nazing, geology of, xxxv, xlii. Epping Forest, Abraxas ulmata in, lxxxii; Adders, black, in, x ; Birds from, exhibited, ci; Com- mittee proposed to watch schemes affecting, xii, xviii; condition of, clxxx; conserva- tion of, from Naturalists' stand- point, v ; galls from, cxxv ; land, sale of, at Woodford, cxxxvi ; Lichen Flora of (Paper read), xx; Purlieu Bank cvii; size of, in former times and now, ciii; plants of, near Theydon, cii; supposed " Wolves" in, cciv. [See also Cryptogamic and other Field Meetings in Table of Con- tents. ] Erosion of Essex Coast at Walton, cxcviii. Erucastrum inodorum exhibited, cxxxiii. Essex Coast line, alterations in (Paper read), cxcvii. Essex Field Club, Field, Crypto- gamic, Annual, Special, and other Meetings. [See Table of Contents.] 'Essex Naturalist,' proposals for publication of, cxcvi. Essex Wells, further notes on (Paper read), clxxxv. Fasciation in Ash, cxxix. Faulkbourne, visit to, clxx ; Church, clxx; Hall, visit to, clxxi. Felstead, Crystalline Drift Rocks from, cxl ; Myosotis (? repens) from, clv ; Palaeolithic imple- ment from Bouller-clay at, xcvi ; School Natural History Soc, Reports of, lxxxii. Feverfew, abnormal flowers of, lxxxii. Fibre-balls from sea-beach, xix. Filago gallica from Berechurch, exhibited, cxix. Filberts eaten by Blue Tits, clxxxi. Fitch, E. A., Angel-fish at Mal- don, c ; exhibits Birds' - nest Fungus, clxxvi ; new Essex gall, xcix ; large specimen of Natrix torquata at Althorne, c ; John Ray as an entomologist, clxv. Flint implements, collection of, from Braintree, clxxvii; from Dartmoor, xi; Neolithic Celt from Braemar, clxxviii ; Neo- lithic flakes from Waltham War- lies and Chigwell, xix ; Palaeo- lithic, from Mucking, xix.